Grilled Sweet Dumpling Squash & Roasted Brussel Sprouts

Time to try something new!  I bought this little beauty right after Halloween because I liked the way it looked and thought it would be a nice fall decoration.  Then, as it sat there, I thought… wonder what it would taste like. (reverting back to my 2 yr old self)  So, last night I grilled it and it was great! Sweet Dumpling squash

Along with 2 grilled chicken breasts on the grill, I made the whole dinner out on the lanaii on the hubby’s awesome grill. Time to completion was 50 minutes for the meal.

Sweet Dumpling Squash

  • 1 Sweet Dumpling Squash
  • 2 Tbsp of butter (you can use olive oil, but I was feeling indulgent)
  1. Cut a hole in the top of the squash and with a spoon & your hand clear out all the “squash goop” and seeds. (Just like a pumpkin)
  2. Drop the butter down in there.
  3. Preheat the grill, I used 2/3 burners lit in our gas grill
  4. Put the squash in the grill, but NOT over the lit burners. (I actually placed it on the top shelf of the grill so it could bake)
  5. Check it periodically. I cooked ours for 50 minutes and it was great. (Not to squishy, yet not hard and chewy)
  6. Remove from the grill, snap your quick photo with your smartPhone, and serve.
  7. I just took a sharp knife and cut the back side out, then scooped the squash out with a spoon to serve.

I am looking forward to trying this again with olive oil and some seasoning.

Roasted Brussel Sprouts

  • 6-7 Large, Fresh, Brussel Sprouts
  • 1 Tbsp of olive or grapeseed oil.
  1. Wash your brussel sprouts and remove a few outside leaves.
  2. Cut the end off the sprouts and quarter them.
  3. Drizzle the oil on a large piece of aluminum foil or an iron skillet (one with a lid)
  4. Drop your quartered sprouts into the cooking vessel. (If foil, wrap it up and roll the edges to seal it up.)
  5. Place on the grill fro 15-20 minutes.
  6. Serve ‘em up and enjoy!

Hope you enjoy these two fall favorites.  Let me know how yours come out!

What a great way to add an extra veggie you your meal and not mess up the kitchen!

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