Why I walk…


My minimum for my 2013 Tampa 3-day, 60-mile walk has just been met!Goal_Met_2013

My order for my nutrition and nourishment supplies have just been ordered, so I should be able to finish my blog series on the 3-day in 2-weeks at the latest, and it is time to ramp up the training since I haven’t done a training walk in 3 weeks.  oops.

I wanted to share my blog from my 3-day site that explains why I do walk in these events.  Cancer does not discriminate, or does it?  There are ways that each person can drastically reduce their chances of acquiring cancer, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and even knee pain, believe it or not.

Even though we can reduce our chances, there will still remain the need for a cure for those who still acquire the disease:


So, almost 13 years ago my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, underwent a radical mastectomy along with chemo & radiation and all that goes with it!  Today, she is still with us! I am proud to say my Mom IS a Survivor.


I had planned to work as a crew-man this year.  Still be involved, but not train as hard for it and just be a part.

This past week, everything changed.  Friends who were crewing with me had “life” happen and will not be able to make it. Pair that with the fear and feelings of helplessness as I opened my email from the radiologist last Sunday morning before church.


So, its Sunday morning, I can do nothing to schedule anything, talk to my doctor, etc.  I FREAK out! Memories of my mom.  Thoughts of the ER trip with my hubby from that very last Friday. How quickly everything changes.  Literally, in the blink of an eye! My thoughts were everywhere.

About half-way through Sunday school a peace came over me as I realized, I had more IN my favor than against and that it was just a more complete diagnostic needed.  (This wasn’t my first mammogram, I’ve been having them for the last 12 years, since mom was diagnosed. It was, however, my first request for further studies.)

Fast forward to Monday: A friend assisted me in getting my follow-up testing done and all came out clear. (Thank you, Traci, you always come through and are such a help in medical “crisis” even if the crisis is mostly in my head at the time.)

It was at this point I determined I NEEDED TO WALK this final Tampa 60-mile.

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I ask you to help me to reach my $2300 minimum so that I can walk this GREAT event!  This organization assisted my mother in many ways as she was undergoing treatments and since, when she has needed follow-up care, but did not have insurance to cover the costs.  (I thank all my family and friends and Rotary friends who helped push me over that threshold as of today, 9/26/13)

I thank you for your time and for your support and prayers in this endeavor! (Prayers for my feet and no blisters.)

(By the way, I still believe we need more attention to prevention…so not as many people NEED the cures that are being researched!)


2012 WALK HealthyGreaseMonkey.com

One Comment

  1. Tess, good for you!! Congrats, I know how much this means to you. Rock on, Sister!!

    (I think I’m getting two blog mailings from you now… will you check if I registered twice when I replied to yesterday’s post? Thanks!)

    Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 19:49:26 +0000 To: pamela@pep2people.com



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