7 Tips to Cleaning when the Family is Sick

Its Christmas time, we are hustling and bustling and I keep seeing where more and more families are dealing with the flu and other illnesses. Why is that Christmas time is when people get sick? It’s just not fair!

I feel very lucky that our household has managed to avoid all the “creeping crud” so far this year.  We continue to take our supplements and eat with the purpose of boosting our immunity, knowing that occasionally we will still fight an illness.

When we do get sick with colds, stomach viruses, etc., I have a routine that I put into action to help decrease the chances of anyone else getting the bug.

  1. WASH YOUR HANDS – a lot! My 7 year old thinks its torture, but we constantly remind her to wash her hands.
  2. Hands AWAY from Your Face – CLB is a finger sucker. We work diligently to break this habit, and I can see the orthodontist in our future.  We must keep reminding her over and over until she gets it.  (Or doesn’t get it – in regard to the illness) (update: she has ceased the finger sucking!)
  3. Wash Bedding Daily – Its an extra hassle, but makes such a difference.  Don’t allow those bugs to multiply.  We ALSO wash her “blankie” daily as well.
  4. Change out Towels – I don’t always visit her bathroom, I have my own.  I am always amazed at the “colors” that have transferred to the towels in her bathroom.  When she is sick – we Wash them DAILY until she is better. Kitchen towels too – you never know who has wiped what with those babies. LOL
  5. WIPE it ALL DOWN – We use Basic G as our only germicide and disinfectant. No need to stress the body with additional neuro-toxic fumes, the body needs to focus energies on healing and not on eliminating toxins from the body. A microfiber cloth and a spritz of diluted G will tak care of it all! (doorknobs, light switches, sink handles, refrigerator handle, and toilet handles. Other items can be wiped down with a towel that has been spritzed with G: phones, remote controls, and gaming controls)  You can find the COMPLETE list of pathogens Basic G kills here on the bottom of the page. (We’ve found that Lysol and other “commercial” germicide products multiply our illnesses in the house by compromising our human immune system, so we steer clear and head for the more natural options, AND Basic G is much less expensive.)
  6. Receptacles for Gooey Tissues – We move a trash can to the ill patient’s “nesting area” or an empty protein canister (re-purposed) The last thing I want to handle is my hubby’s pile of slimy tissues!  A protein canister, a trash can, a grocery bag – something to “contain the cooties”!
  7. Once the sickness is gone, it is best to Replace tooth-brushes! During the ordeal, you can soak them in hydrogen peroxide or run ’em through the dishwasher.  I do know some folks who rinse them in a very dilute mixture of the Basic G then rinse them very, very well. (It is not labeled for this and I don’t, but I do know some who do.)

For some additional ideas and tips to stay healthy – here is an article I wrote this fall – “5 Tips for Avoiding the New Respiratory Virus +”


I also like to spray down the leather sofas with the Basic G whenever they get up off of it!  We spray down the cushions and the arm rests and wipe it down with a microfiber towel.  This is where most of the family “nests” during a “battle”.  🙂

Make it a GREAT day!

Tips to Clean up the Thanksgiving Pumpkin Pie Fiasco

Best laid plans gone wrong… *sigh*

It’s Thanksgiving, the turkey is roasting in the oven, the potatoes are cooking in the crocks, the green bean casserole is ready to go in the oven, the rolls are prepared, the pumpkin pie is ready to bake as well.  The oven is limited in space as the turkey is a mere 22 pounds.

I set my beautiful pies into the oven, on the bottom shelf, start to slide the shelf in and *****SPLASH***** the liquid pie mix splashes all over the oven. Half the mix goes into the oven (out of the pie shells) and the house begins to fill with smoke!

So, the exhaust fan went on “super” setting the pies and the silicone mat in the oven came out to clean up.  I wiped up what I could from the oven door and closed up the appliance so everything else could finish cooking…  The day after, here are the results!

Pie Mess 1

Here is what my lovely oven looked like the day after.

Pie mess pan

Pan from under the pie… UGG

So I got out my tools.  Basic H2 diluted and Scour Off.

Pie Mess Clean up

I started by scraping up the solid pieces that weren’t attached and scooped them onto a piece of paper.  Then I sprayed the degreaser strength Basic H onto the oven floor and simply wiped it up with a fiber-cloth towel.  Only a bit of crusty stuff remained.

Pie Mess H2 Only

I then use the Scour Off with water to complete the task.  This amazing product is a sweet smelling cleaning paste. (Safe for my glass top stove too.)  Smear a bit of the paste on, spread it out with your cleaning cloth and add plenty of water.  I let it sit for a bit, then using a circular motion with my cloth I begin rubbing the stained spots.

Pie Mess cleaning pan

Finally, I rinse it all down with a wet cloth and it is done!  Best part is, I have company coming over in 10 minutes to watch Purdue and IU try to lose to each other and my house isn’t filled with stinky fumes, I’m not gagging and don’t need to reach for my asthma medication, my daughter can play and run around and all are safe while my oven is like new inside!

Pie mess cleaned

Pie mess pan cleaned

These are the amazing products I discovered when CLB was born, 7 1/2 years ago and have continued to use.  A bottle of H2 lasts me 3+ years and the Scour Off lasts me years as well – making them very affordable options and saving me TONS of cash at the grocery store. I started with the Get Clean Kit – $99 for $3400 worth of cleaners!

Kidney Stones? – New research shows surprising healthy solution

Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney

When you are the leader in the natural food supplement industry, people sometimes test your

products without you even knowing about it.

That was exactly what happen with a recent study comparing the effects of Shaklee’s Performance and Gatorade on the risk of kidney stone formation.

This was the ultimate independent study.

Shaklee didn’t initiate it. They didn’t support it. And, in fact, they didn’t even know about it until it

was published a couple of weeks after it was published (J.W. Goodman et al, Urol. Res., 37: 41-46, 2009).

Before I get into the results of the study, perhaps I should start with an explanation of why you

would even want to do that kind of study.

Let’s start with the problem – kidney stones. They are extremely painful, and they can damage the kidney – particularly if they form over and over again.

To a urologist the solution is simple – just drink two liters of water a day.

The problem is that you have to really, really, really like water to drink two liters a day, and most

people just aren’t that into water.

In fact, previous studies had shown that even when patients had a previous kidney stone and were told by their urologist to drink two liters of water a day, the beverage result was an increase of only 0.3 liters a day of water.

So this group of urologists asked what people were drinking instead of water.

The latest trends show that soft drink consumption is decreasing and consumption of sports drinks and energy drinks is increasing. And, there was absolutely no information on whether sports drinks increased or decreased the risk of kidney stone formation.

So they decided to look at two well-known sports drinks, Shaklee’s Performance and Gatorade, to see whether they would increase or decrease the risk of kidney stone formation compared to the consumption of an equivalent amount of water.

They looked at the effect of each sports drink on the amount of citrate in the urine and by how much they increased the pH of the urine because each of these decreases the risk of kidney stone formation.

They also looked at the effect of each sports drink on the amount of sodium and calcium in the urine because each of those increases the risk of kidney stone formation. Performance significantly increased the amount of citrate and the pH of the urine, while Gatorade had no effect on either of them.

Neither Performance or Gatorade had an significant effect on sodium or calcium levels in the urine.  Thus, they concluded that Shaklee’s Performance was superior to either Gatorade or water alone at decreasing the risk of kidney stone formation.

Now you might be tempted to say that this study was of more interest to urologists than the general public, but my guess is that if you have ever suffered through a kidney stone this study is of great interest to you.

But to me the more important conclusion is that, once again, independent clinical studies show the superiority of Shaklee products.

About The Author : Dr. Chaney has a BS in Chemistry from Duke University and a PhD in Biochemistry from UCLA. He currently holds the rank of Professor at a major university where runs an active cancer research program and has published over 100 scientific articles and reviews in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

*For more information on health and wellness as well as our full line of Sports Nutrition products including Performance, contact me at Tess@HealthyGreaseMonkey.com

I HAD a WART on my face! Cheap, easy, safe, GONE!

My hubby has always had issues with warts.  He’s tried most everything, but basically just continues on with them… On his feet, one on his leg and one on his hand… 

Three months ago, I had a blemish on my face, it didn’t go away, and I am ashamed to say, I am a picker.  I would brush it during the day, while I was out and before I knew it I would have scratched the top off of it.  It would heal over and get bigger.

Last month I realized it was a wart. A big, ugly, witchy looking wart… right on my face!

Here is the wart on my face on May 25, 2014. Wart Before

So, what did I do? Very simple.  Apple Cider Vinegar, a tiny piece of paper towel and a circle band aid.  I soaked the small square of paper towel (4 layers thick) in ACV and then placed it over the wart with a circle band aid and went to sleep.  Wart Killer

8 hours later I woke up, took the little band aid off and it was all white and puffy, so I put another band aid over the wart to go to church.  (I envisioned people staring and making comments similar to a movie about a shark and a laser) Smile

After church, in the car on the way home, I took the band aid off so it could breathe and air out.  When I took off the band aid… it all but fell off!  See below.Wart After collage

The top right photo is what it looked like when I took the band aid off.  Then, the whole thing just fell off into my hand.  The lower right photo is of the wart (dead and removed) on my index finger.

The left photo is what is left.  It is healing very well, just after 1 day.  I will use my Enfuselle C&E Repair cream on it to assist in the healing process.  And will update as it heals.

When my daughter had a wart removed by the Dr. it cost us $200 and was VERY painful for her.  This method was used ON MY FACE and there was NO PAIN.

I did feel some tingling when I first applied the ACV, but no pain.

Inexpensive, easy, pain free, and done at home with no co-pay!

Hope this helps… I will also post some before and afters of my hubby’s feet as we use this method on those nasty beasts!

Make it a GREAT day!