Sick Kids – Busy Professionals Increase Productivity

As a busy professional, I know how frustrating it can be when clients are waiting and the school calls to come get your sick child. Clients don’t care that we have a little who is feeling under the weather.  Here is how we have managed to keep ours healthy and out of the doctor’s office & in school.


When I was a child, I was frequently in the doctor’s office with bronchial distress. Bronchitis was a regular thing for me and for the rest of my family. I had no clue what a co-pay was back then, but as a parent, I now know we had a LOT of them. 🙂

Here are 3 minutes explaining what we use to keep her immune system supported and out of the doctor’s office.

We don’t do Gummy vitamins or Flinstone vitamins for many reasons. (Read here, here, and here)

We trust this company that has provided evidence based science to back their products, 55 + years without a recall or negative market incidence, and their quality control is like no other.  It’s my child’s life and future, and my goal is to keep her as happy and healthy as possible.

It’s important to keep our children’s immune systems strong and ready for any assault. This allows us to earn all of the commission and not need to turn clients over to someone else because there is no need to take unexpected time off for sick kids.

For an outline of the products we use and recommend, check here, and for other choices we make to support a healthy immune system, here.

Also, a link to how we keep the ickies at bay, even when they seem to have invaded home.

for more information, please feel free to contact me.

Quick, clean produce for 2 cents

Healthy Grease Monkey | Choices Matter

We keep being told we should eat more fresh produce to improve our health. More nutrient dense, colorful, tasty fresh produce.  We also hear, regularly about all the chemicals that are used on the fruits and veggies that we love.  I have a 2 cent option to clean all that produce as you bring it home from the market.

This is a really important step! Even organic produce can be sprayed with chemicals/pesticides, so it is important to ALWAYS wash before you eat!

Tractor spray fertilize with insecticide herbicide chemicals in agriculture field and evening sunlight

Tractor spray fertilize with insecticide herbicide chemicals in agriculture field and evening sunlight Source:

This is another place where my Basic H2, again, saves me money and keeps my family safe.  Years ago I read that you should soak your produce for 6 minutes for optimum cleansing, so that is what I do today. (Probably need to research that more)


I’ve been using this product for over 8 years. I use it on my produce, pets, counters, floors, cars, grill, laundry (pre-treat), as insect repellent, as sting relief from bees and wasps, window cleaner, degreaser, and many more things.

Are you Praying for Better Health

How many times have you prayed for better health? Additional energy levels? Better results on a physical?  How many times have you prayed for a cure? Why don’t I just feel better?


The answer to this question isn’t an easy one.  Yes, I believe, He does provide miracles. I also believe we need to give some assistance in this case.

If we were looking for a new job, we wouldn’t just pray for a new job and then sit down on the couch and wait for one to fall in our lap.  We would create a resume, fill out job applications, search the want ads, talk to people and let them know what we are looking for.

Couch is Satan

Why don’t we look at health the same way?

If you would really like “better health” then why don’t you look for it?

1 Corinthians 3:16-17New International Version (NIV)

16 Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? 17 If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple.

For many years I fed my body, and my temple, noodles ramen and Busch Light beer – all my friends did.  When I reached the age of about 27 I was miserable, on six pharmaceuticals for depression, asthma, migraines, and more…  My body was not functioning properly and I frequently prayed that I felt better.

It wasn’t until I began paying better attention to assisting in supporting my health that it all turned around. Just like taking action to find a new job.


I began drinking more water and eliminated soda pop. I started feeling a bit better.

Rethink your drink - sugar

I began walking 5-6 miles 3-5 days a week. I started feeling better.

pink shoes

I stopped eating fast food on a regular basis. I started feeling better.

I paid close attention to eating whole foods, and adding more servings of fruits and veggies. I started feeling better.

Foundation and produce

I added a sound foundational supplement regimen and MY CRAVINGS WENT AWAY!

Not all disease or illness can be prevented, but I DO know I feel better, have more energy, and the migraines, asthma, and depression are all but gone!  These are the things that worked for myself and many of my friends and colleagues.  I am happy to assist you in reaching your new healthy self!

Don’t just sit on your couch and “wait,” get up and do something to get there. Smile 

You are what you eat.

If you are wondering where to begin, contact me and I can provide you coaching, foundational suggestions, and much more!

What is Nom-Day? (Give up Hating Mondays)

So many people have expressed their disdain for Mondays that I have decided I will not have any more Mondays!  Now, I shall have amazing NOM-DAYS!

NomDay is a day to devote to tasty, healthy foods!

What is Nom-Day?

In my video I discuss the Brainy Brownies that my daughter loves so much!  She was begging me for one the other day, then I accidentally mentioned, “spinach brownies” and you should have seen her face!  LOL  (My Colleague Jenni Oates’ recipe)

I love the protein cookies that pack a punch of 6.5 g of protein in a dark chocolate chip cookie.  Sometimes I slip in some white chocolate chips to make her extra happy.

Finally, here is a link for some of the other Nommy recipes we use on a regular basis! 

Happy, Healthy, Eating!

For more information or to schedule a consult, feel free to contact me!

Make it a GREAT Day!

Are Schools Modeling Healthy Behaviors?

Yesterday, I had the honor of talking with these amazing people. Aimie and Daniel Stillings are traveling the country and the world to create a documentary on Nature Play.

As I sat and spoke with Aimie, yesterday, I started to process and think more and more about the tests our Children are being required to take about every 4th day school.  The tests that they all prepare to take in 3rd – 10th (and now 11th) grades. The fact that we are “teaching” all children all the way down to Kindergarten to “take tests.”  (Bubble in the correct answer)

How does this relate to health?  Our schools are where our children learn the behaviors they will have for a lifetime.  Yes, many habits and such are learned from the parents, but ask most parents of high school students and you will find they are learning “new” habits while at school.



  • Our children are being asked to SIT for 6-7 hours a day
  • Our children are given twenty (20) minutes to eat their lunch
  • Our children are being denied recess
  • Physical Education classes are being scaled way back
  • Our children are being asked to complete page after page of worksheets, even in Kindergarten
  • Administrators and teachers are telling them that walking from one class to another is considered “a break”
  • Our children are being rewarded for good behavior or correct answers with candy, pizza parties, and the like
  • Our children are being TESTED every 3-4 days

Our country is in dire straights when you consider the health of our nation.  80% of the top 4 health problems in the United States are preventable through daily lifestyle choices!


We ask our children to sit at their desks and pay attention for 6-7 hours a day – as young as Kindergarten.


By asking our children to sit still for 6 hours a day we are modeling risky behavior for their future health. Studies are showing that sitting for long periods can be VERY detrimental to our health:

Sedentary lifestyles increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. “For people who sit most of the day, their risk of heart attack is about the same as smoking.” ~ Martha Grogan, Cardiologist, Mayo Clinic

Many of our children are given 20 minutes to eat their lunch, if this includes their travel time and time in line to purchase that meal, this can quickly whittle down to 10-12 minutes to eat. This models poor eating habits that can stretch into a lifetime of issues.  What happens when we eat too quickly?  Check out the information from LiveStrong on the topic of eating too fast.

Our children are being denied recess!

With all the stress being placed on test scores, there just isn’t time for recess! We need another 15 minutes for English Language Arts or Math class.  All fine and dandy, but what good is a test score when you are out of shape, your body begins falling apart in your 2o’s and you are spending days, months and years in doctor’s offices, medical centers and hospitals.  Not to mention, the plethora of research pointing to children retaining more information and grasping information better when given a break and then coming back to the classroom!

How many of us would willingly take a job with 13 minutes to eat and no “breaks” during the day.


Our child is lucky, she gets PE 3 times a week! Many districts across the United states, AND our higher grade levels are NOT being given physical education classes.  Those are considered optional classes and if the student requires remedial action due to another test score, these options are no longer on the table. 

I remember in grade school, Mr. Jones taught us how to “fall down correctly.”  Told us that if we learned and then used it if we fell, we would not hurt ourselves as badly. We thought it was really silly at the time, as an adult, I now see the importance of all he taught us about moving on a daily basis to stay healthy!  Our students need to learn to stay active, they need to be taught to enjoy activities so they can remain physically strong and healthy.  When our muscles atrophy due to inactivity we begin feeling more and more pain on a daily basis.  I do NOT want that for my child or any other child!

Worksheets are the norm!

Gone are the days of make believe, kitchen sets, dress up clothes and such.  Our children are no longer, for the most part, encouraged to move around and explore and learn through play – even in kindergarten our children sit at desks most of the day and complete worksheets.  They move to the carpet for story time, then return to their seats to complete an activity worksheet on the story.  Movement is gone from the classroom due to the perception of chaos and the need to score better on end of course exams… YES, END OF COURSE EXAMS FOR OUR KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS.

Moving from your seat to the restroom or another classroom is not enough to be called a break!

What would be your thoughts if your boss told you that your breaks would consist of the time you spent walking from your desk to a colleague’s desk, or the restroom, or the copy machine.  I have actually had administrators tell us that this is a break because they are not being asked to complete work at this time!  I THINK NOT!

Candy is your reward for a correct answer!

So, our children are snarfing down their lunch, not given time to play and move around, sitting for hours and slowing their metabolism and when they answer a question correctly or do something good, they are rewarded with a piece of candy or a mini-marshmallow?  How is this modeling healthy behaviors?  Having a pizza party because their class won a competition is NOT modeling healthy behaviors.  Perhaps, they could be rewarded with some additional time on a PLAYGROUND and be allowed to PLAY!

I was NOT rewarded with a skittle in class if I answered correctly and I still learned and fell in LOVE with learning!  If our classrooms have sunk so low that we must entice our children like Pavlov’s Dogs in order to get them to answer, we have some huge problems.

Finally, our children are being tested every 3-4 days as mandated by districts, states, and our federal government.

I liken this to someone hired for a new job.  You are told to learn on the go and not take breaks. Every 3-4 days someone comes in and administers an exam to you on what you have been learning. The test was not written by someone familiar with your industry so it is difficult to know how to answer the questions.  You will never be allowed to review the test, so you will be unable to discover exactly what you missed and where you made the error. 

Would you be stressed in an environment such as this? Of course you would be stressed!  So are our children.


The dialog has begun.  Parents have begun standing up and speaking out to fix our public schools for our children.

SPEAK OUT!  – Your child is our future! Your child’s future should be a future of joy and learning, and good health!

When we eliminate the high stakes testing, ALL high stakes testing, there will no longer be any need to eliminate recess, no need to eliminate Physical Education classes, no need to rush through meals, and no need to sit for 6 hours a day to complete worksheet after worksheet.  When our children are taught to LOVE LEARNING there is no need to bribe them with candy or treats.

Join your local group working toward eliminating high stakes testing, talk with your board of education, and vote!  For the health of our children and the health of our nation, PLEASE STAND UP!!!

Thank you

If you would like additional information about groups in your area, or how to begin a group in your area, please contact me.

Protein Cookies–Not Yo Momma’s Chocolate Chip Cookie

What to pack for my daughter’s lunch? What to give her for a healthy snack? Chocolate Chip Cookies of course!  (But not what you are thinking.)

I work to be sure that my daughter gets a balanced diet every day.  I pack her lunch, out of necessity, every day of school, and I work to be sure that she gets a sampling of all the food groups.

Here is one of her new favorites – She calls them Cookies!

Ingredients:Protein Cookies

2.5 cups whole wheat Flour
0.5 cups 
Instant Protein
1.5 cups rolled oats (ground)
1.5 tsp baking soda
1tsp ground cinnamon
0.75 cups ground pecans
0.5 tsp salt
0.75 cups butter
1 cups brown sugar
6  large eggs
1 cups chocolate chips


  • Preheat oven to 350* F
  • In large bowl, mix dry ingredients through salt
  • In mixer – cream butter & brown sugar
  • Add vanilla and 1 egg at a time
  • Slowly add dry mixture until all blended
  • Stir in chips
  • Drop by scant 1/4 cups onto parchment paper lined cookie tray – flatten slightly (makes right at 24 cookies)
  • Bake 11-13 minutes until slightly browned on top
  • Cool on pan for ~5 minutes then use spatula to move to wire racks to cool.

I put cooled cookies in zip lock bags and store in the fridge to use in her lunches. They freeze well, but don’t normally last that long.

Here’s the amazing part!  The nutritional figures:

Each cookie has about 169 calories, 8.7 g of Fat, 18.1 g of Carbohydrates, 3 g of Fiber, AND… 6.5 g of protein!!!

Tasty treat AND good for you!  Dip them in milk for an extra special treat!

5 tips for avoiding the new Respiratory Virus +


It is such a scary thought… Your child gets a cold and then, suddenly, they can’t breathe, they turn blue and you need to call 911 or rush them to an emergency room!  (Here is a link to the story about this new unknown respiratory virus: ) It is for this reason – we work to build our little girl’s immune system!

Children Immune Boost

  1. Begin with a solid foundation:  For us, that consists of Incredivites and Meal Shakes for breakfast each morning.  No added sugars and NOTHING artificial to cause additional stress to her little body.
  2. Probiotic – She swallows a tiny Optiflora pearl each morning to give her intestines added good bacteria to fight the bad.  It’s a tiny little thing that she swallows easily with her morning “shake.” (She is holding the probiotic in her fingers next to her face – its THAT tiny… and triple encapsulated so those little critters are ALIVE when delivered to the large intestine!)
  3. Nutriferon – This is an amazing, patented, product that helps the body to increase it natural Interferon levels (the Killer T-Cells that fight off infections) We usually give this to her a couple of times a week, but right now, due to the threat levels, she is taking one every day.What_is_Interferon
  4. Defend & Resist – This is an amazing chewable Echinacea & Elderberry tablet that she can chew.  It’s purple and sweet and she eats them right up!
  5. Cut back on refined sugars and flour… White sugar, white flour, heavily processed foods etc… This tends to compromise and stress the immune system causing them to be weaker than they should be – more susceptible to the crud – whatever it may be.
  6. Reduce respiratory challenges in the home.  We removed all toxic and stinky household cleaners long ago.  Momma has asthma and when we eliminated all those different nasty cleaners – momma’s asthma went away!!!  We use the Get Clean line of products because they work, they are REALLY inexpensive and they last a REALLY, REALLY long time.


Don’t forget the common sense things like, wash your hands often and don’t share food and drinks with others.  Please, notice, I did NOT say spray Lysol everywhere! – this can actually have the negative effect of what you are working toward – the toxins in the Lysol spray stress your lungs and can cause your system to weaken… Same goes for soaps with Triclosan or other antibacterial ingredients… Our skin, naturally has bacteria that lives on it to protect us – when we kill off the good bacteria – then our first line of defense is gone! 

We don’t use antibacterial ingredients in our home, our daughter is allergic to them.  She is also rarely ill and has a VERY STRONG immune system…  There was a very brief time in her life when she was sick for about 6 months straight – we discovered her preschool was spraying Lysol in the room over the students’ heads!  We removed her from that school and the Lysol – and she has never been sick like that since. We use Get Clean Handwash and Meadowblend Cleansing Bar.

The 6 steps above are what WE DO, as a family to prevent the “CRUD” from creeping in, and it has worked very well for us for over 7 years.  I hope it provides you with some insight.  If you would like further information, please contact me

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Tips to Keep Them Healthy when School Starts

School started for us today. This means she will again be with her friends and the other 900+ students in her school.  This means germs from a plethora of places and people. 

I feel it is important to give her a strong start to her school year and boost her immunity and system for learning as well.  Here are some of the things we do to help strengthen and support our family’s immunity when the school year starts – and most of the time. Smile

  • Breakfast IS important.  What we feed our children, first thing in the morning, sets them up for optimum learning, or sets their bodies rolling on the blood sugar roller coaster.
    • We make sure our days begin with a balanced meal. Since time is of the essence and my child prefers to “drag” herself into the kitchen at the last minute, we opt for a Meal Shake – her favorite is Bavarian Cocoa, it provides her with PLENTY of protein, some fiber, and some nutrients to give her the boost she needs.
    • When she feels extra hungry, or I know she didn’t eat a full dinner the night before, we add a 1/4 cup of oatmeal in the morning to give her an extra boost


  • Add Supplements if your child doesn’t eat 7-9 fruits & veggies a day, eat fish 2-3 times a day, or is a picky eater. The first couple of times she took her “grown up” supplements-it was a bit of a challenge, but when she swallowed them whole we celebrated!  She is 7 years old and swallows tablets better than her daddy!


    • Multi-vitamin – Coral takes two Incredivites (These multi-vitamins contain NOTHING ARTIFICIAL because it is important to me that when I am giving my daughter something to improve her health, that there not be ingredients with side effects that could harm her health.)
    • Optiflora probiotic – this boosts her immune system in the large intestine – guaranteed live delivery of the bacteria she needs to maintain a strong immune system
    • B-Complex & Omegaguard Fish Oil – She struggles with focus and the Omega & B-Complex really seem to help her with that.
    • Osteomatrix Calcium/Magnesium supplement each day.  This supplement assists her in relaxing AND prevents those pesky growing pains.  If she complains of her joints or legs hurting, we add a Chewable Cal/Mag to the mix at dinner time too.

  • Washing hands Frequently
    • We know this one, we hear it all the time. Wash your hands frequently.
    • Use PLAIN soap, NOT anti-bacterial soap.  Our kids don’t typically wash their hands long enough to allow the antibacterial soaps to work properly – AND they kill the GOOD guys on the skin that help fight the bad guys.  We’ve been so enamored with “KILLING GERMS” that we have killed off the good bacteria our bodies need to fight those germs!

  • Reduce Sugar Intake
    • I KNOW, they are kids, they love sweet, however – sugar suppresses our immune response. The more sugar and refined carbohydrates we consume, the harder it is for our body to fight off sickness. We don’t bring candy into our home – it just makes it easier. (not often anyway) Ever notice how cold and flu season begins in full force about 2 weeks AFTER Halloween?  (interesting)
    • Other options: FRUIT!  Its sweet, it tastes good, its pretty, and its HEALTHY!  We stock up on fresh fruits and frozen fruits, make frozen smoothees instead of popsicles and other sweet temptations.
      When we eat a sugar it spikes our blood sugar, which then causes a dramatic DROP in blood sugar –> This in turn can cause our children to crave and to become HANGRY MONSTERS!  When we serve a protein with a carbohydrate – the protein works to level off that blood sugar and a more gradual drop – avoiding the monsters!

  • Teach Your Children
    • People frequently get a chuckle out of my daughter (for many things) specifically when she will come up to ask me, “What are my protein choices?” or “Mom, what snack options are available to me now?”  She knows she needs to eat healthy to stay healthy.  She KNOWS she must have a protein source if she is going to have a “sugar choice”.  It makes my life easier when I know she is looking for the right foods.

  • After School Snacks
  • 7-9 a Day!  (Fruits and Vegetables)  – I know, mine is picky too. She prefers fruit and broccoli and that is IT.  We have instituted the you must try 2 bites theory – and the eat it all if you want desert, and it seems to work. (We’ve also implemented a time limit for her for desert as well.)

    Fresh Produce Healthy Grease Monkey

    • Include fruits or veggies at every turn.  Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks.
    • Taste the Rainbow of Flavors!
    • When all else fails, HIDE IT in their favorite foods.  I shred zucchini, carrots, spinach, moringa, and anything else I can think of to boost the nutritional value of her favorites.

  • Exercise!  We are blessed in Lee County FL because all of our schools now have 15 minutes of recess a day for our children to move and refresh and the minimum of 150 minutes per week of physical education!  Movement is SO important in maintaining a healthy immune system as well as mental health… Get your kids moving!  Park for 3o minutes, a sports team, a dance team, something… Keep them moving and off the couch.

The habits we model and teach our children today are shaping them into the adults of our future! Help our children help themselves by learning healthy, daily habits through Health Choices!

For more information on Healthy Choices or for a personal consultation or for questions on high quality supplements and other products, feel free to contact me, The Healthy Grease Monkey.

Make it a GREAT YEAR!

Choices & Consequences = Our Current Health???

So, I’ve been preaching choices and consequences to my daughter quite a bit lately.  At 7 she wants what she wants and she cries if she doesn’t get it.  It frustrates me to no end, I don’t feel like we spoil her, we don’t buy her everything she asks for, she has responsibilities, and she is required to eat what is fixed for meals.

Today, she wanted to go to the park. I said okay and that we would ride our bikes there.  She was very excited.  (It is August in SW FL) As we prepared to leave she decided she would rather ride her scooter.  I discussed this with her and tried to focus on the consequences of this choice, that she would be required to bring the apparatus home after the park and that her bike would be easier than her scooter, yet she insisted. – Long story short – the mile home seemed like 15 to me! She kept whining and complaining that she was just going to die, that she couldn’t go on another step. We didn’t have a choice – we had to get home, plus, she had plenty of water for the journey.

CLB pouting at dinner

We get home and it is lunch time. Consequences—> She still has chicken and mixed veggies from the other night that she has refused to eat – so that is lunch.  She is now taking a nap in her room because she is just too exhausted to eat. LOL 

Why is this relevant to your life?

Our daily choices have consequences. Everyday we choose a soda pop, or a donut, or a bowl of cereal, or a 10,000 calorie sandwich from a fast food restaurant.  Our daily choices have consequences. 

Unfortunately, we don’t see those consequences so readily as having to eat the food we refused the night before or by having to get home on our scooter when we’ve decided we are done.

These consequences may take years or even decades to develop. Enter the current state of our national healthcare crisis.  Forget about the fact that no one can afford the care they need – WHY DO THEY NEED THE CARE IN THE FIRST PLACE?  Choices & Consequences

I saw a new YouTube video

yesterday that points this out clearly. 

I don’t typically like, what I call, scare monger tactics to make people see things, but this video stuck me hard.  Our choices have consequences.  I count myself lucky because I had friends who pointed me in a healthier direction.  Better Choices.

This video, clearly shows WHY I am so adamant about our children having recess and PE at school, WHY I protest teachers giving the kids candy or food for answering correctly or cooperating, WHY I stress that our daily choices make such a difference.

I was close to this in my 30’s.  Though not this big, I was struggling with my health, with depression, with pain, and the answer I was given at that time was to take prescriptions. SIX of them at one time – some to handle the side effects of the others.  I was miserable.  I thank my friend, Betsey, for opening my eyes to what nutritional choices could do and to how easy those choices could be.

What can you do?

If you are struggling with your weight, with pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, pain in your joints, the beginning of heart disease, lethargy, cravings and such, changing a few things gradually could have a synergistic effect and redirect your current path.

I would love to work with to show you what simple choices could make a HUGE impact on your health! HUGE (and I’m not trying to sell Kia’s here either. – local humor) 

Simple steps can begin to turn things around for you so that you don’t find yourself where this gentleman has found himself.



School Supplies for a Healthy School Year

Two weeks until our school year begins. We are out busily purchasing uniforms, school supplies, & the like to prepare for the new school year.

Besides the Crayola’s and #2 pencils, we also stock up and make sure we have the nutritional support to keep her healthy throughout the week as well.  Our kits are explained here and outlined at the bottom of the article.


The average child in the USA is sick and has approximately 6-7 sick visits to the doctor per year.  This is time that parents have to take off work, time that our children miss important lessons in class, and costs us copays at the doctor’s office as well as for any prescriptions. It quickly adds up. 

When our children have a strong, healthy immune system, they can more readily fight off those illnesses, bacterial infections, & viruses. We began with a “BASIC” protocol to improve CLB’s immune system and to keep her strong against those germs! 

Side note: CLB is also allergic to Triclosan, so she can’t use the soap at the school, she only uses natural soaps with no anti-bacterial ingredients.  She is strong and healthy and rarely fights illness.


This is our basic foundation:

Keep in mind that we also focus on whole food choices, healthy, nutrient dense foods and have eliminated most, if not all, of the toxins in our home to allow for healthy bodies and immune systems, but here, this is how we supplement with whole food, plant based, guaranteed supplements.

Meal Shakes are DELICIOUS protein mixes… a vanilla or Bavarian Cocoa flavor.  2 canisters/month – we give her 3/4 of a serving in her morning “shake” made with Soy Milk. “Fast Food, no guilt!” $24.10 per canister.  This allows her to sustain her energy throughout the day rather than SPIKING from breakfast cereal only to plummet a couple of hours later.  This contains all the amino acids to allow your child to absorb it quickly and effectively!

Incredivites – Multivitamin with Lactoferin for immune health.  This multi-vitamin as AMAZING! Compared to other leading brands this little powerhouse of a vitamin is more comprehensive with 23 essential vitamins & minerals, has 50% more vitamin D3 for bone health, AND it CONTAINS NOTHING ARTIFICIAL!!! I don’t understand why vitamin companies make products to “support your health” then include ingredients, like artificial colors, flavors, or ingredients that work to compromise your health! (RANT OVER-for now.)  $29.70 for 120 tablets (60 servings) = $14.85 per month.

Mighty Smarts – Ultra-pure DHA chews These little gems were my daughter’s first DHA supplements.  Now they serve as her “reward” for taking her other supplements. Smile  These orange flavored chews are concentrated with a 100% natural, ultra-pure form of omega-3 oil that has been purified and tested to be of the highest quality…WITHOUT the fishy taste and potential hazards of environmental toxins.  (75% Organic, natural, and gluten free) Again, NOTHING artificial.  $27.00 for 30 chews.

Targeted issues:

Our daughter has battled eczema, from a corn allergy, and tends to get bored and find it difficult to focus in class.  We discovered the mood swings and focus issues during her first grade year. 

We added a couple of supplements last year to assist her with this challenge and were pleasantly surprised to discover that she quickly found it easier to focus and to stay on task – the result – in a mere 1/4 she went from an average student to one being recognized and recommended for the gifted program.

(I am not saying the supplements made this difference, I am simply saying we saw the difference after we added them.)  Here is what we found to give her the greatest advantage.


Optiflora (probiotic) – This amazing little pearl contains and protects the probiotics from the stomach acids so that it is delivered ALIVE to the very place it is needed, and not before.  Great defender of health, affordable price. $19.10 per month. (One per day.)  This is ESPECIALLY important after your child has had to use an antibiotic to repopulate the GOOD bacteria in the digestive tract so the immune system can rebuild itself.

B-ComplexThis COMPLETE B-Complex supplement assists with everyday stress that my little diva seems to love.  It allows her mood swings to level out and for her to stay calm and manage her “stresses” better. We began by crushing this one and mixing it into her morning smoothee and she has graduated at age 7 to swallowing it whole when drinking her smoothee in the mornings. $21.70 for 120 tablets (one per day for my tiny one) or $40.75 for 240 tablets ~$7.30 a month.

OmegaGuard – DHA & EHA  This amazing product assists her little brain in focusing and in retaining what she is being taught.  Another great supplement that actually delivers more EPA & DHA than other brands. She began swallowing these last spring when I dared her to take it. $16.95 for 60 softgels or $43.95 for 180 (one per day for our tiny)

Nutriferon – Immune Booster – Developed by world-renowned immunologist, Dr. Yasuhiko Kojima who first discovered interferon in 1954.  This product allows your body to naturally produce interferon to fight off infection, bacteria, and viral by boosting that immune system and allowing you to be stronger and not succumb to the “crud.”  {The Shaklee Difference: A recent laboratory study showed that NutriFeron ingredients impact Natural Killer (NK) cells, an important part of our frontline immune system defense.  (Research papers from peer reviewed journals available upon request.) $39.00 60 caplets (I give her 1 per day ~$19.50 per month. (No pictured above)


Yes, we invest in the health of our daughter. Our choice to invest in her health has meant that we only have about 1 sick visit to the doctor per year, if that.  We have seen her academic performance increase dramatically, her mood swings decrease, and she smiles a lot and reminds us if we forget one of her supplements in the mornings.

These do taste different than Flinstone Vitamins, or the popular gummy vitamins, it is a different flavor – a NATURAL flavoring.  She loves them and begs for them, and they don’t contribute to tooth decay or cause other side effects. 

As for parents and teachers for back to school supplies – that is another blog for another day!  Wishing you a healthy school year!

ALSO, here is a great video presentation on Building Immunity for your Kids by Jenni Oates.  It is 45 minutes well worth your time!

School Supply List for Healthy Immunity From the
Healthy Grease Monkey Shop

* Incredivites (2 month supply)
* Mighty Smarts
* Meal Shakes

* Basic Package plus
* Optiflora for improved immune function
* B-Complex for energy & happy moods
* $91/month.** B-Complex is purchased once every 8 months

   * Better Package plus (for older children – ours is 8 now)
* OmegaGuard for focus and brain health
* Nutriferon for boosting immune funtion (we use this when we want
to ramp up her immune system (2 weeks before school or before a
flight or traveling)
* $137/month** OmegaGuard is purchased every 6 months,
Nutriferon as needed.

** Member pricing with products bought in bulk quantities – not every product is ordered every month.

For more information regarding these or other products, feel free to contact me.