Vegan Oatmeal Cupcakes

I am always looking for foods for my baby girl to take for lunches. Today, I made these.


  • 4 cups rolled oatsoats
  • 1 cup instant protein
  • 2 1/2 cups of mashed fruit (mashed ripe bananas or I used a combo of mashed peaches and applesauce)
  • 4 1/2 tbsp maple syrup
  • 2/3 cup mini chocolate chips (optional)
  • 2 1/3 cup water
  • 1/4 plus 1 tbsp oil (coconut, or other veg based oil)
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
  • Optional add ins: cinnamon, shredded coconut, chopped nuts, ground flax, dried fruit


  • Preheat oven to 380 F
  • Line 14 cupcake tins with liners
  • Mix all dry ingredients in one large bowl
  • Mix all wet ingredients in a medium bowl (fruit included)
  • Mix wet into dry ingredients
  • Pour scant 1/4 cup of batter into each cup
  • Bake 21 ish minutes

These can be frozen and reheated

Jawbone – Tips to help us all Lose & Maintain our Weight

Jawbone recently released data they have accumulated from what their users are reporting and this gives us some really good insight into what works and what doesn’t!

Here are a few of the key points Jawbone found from the data:

  • Those who lost weight logged 75% more meals per week than those who didn’t lose weight. There has been debate about whether eating more well-balanced, small meals actually helps your metabolism. Some experts say yes and others say no, but Jawbone’s data supports the former.

  • UP users who lost weight logged 60% more workouts per week.

  • Jawbone wearers who lost weight also had 11% more teammates than those who didn’t.

    Those who lost weight got 8% more sleep, too.

  • UP users who lost weight also logged foods that had 25% more fiber, 13% less fat, 13% fewer calories, and 12% less sugar per meal.

  • They also ate breakfast 30% more often and drank 33% more water than those who didn’t lose weight.

via Weight-Loss Habits, According To Jawbone – Business Insider.

These are tips I frequently use in coaching, it is nice to see them confirmed, once again!

Quick Tip – Be ABNORMAL – for a Successful & Healthy Life

As I search the internet looking for information on the “average” “normal” person I am amazed.  I NEVER want to be normal again. I don’t want to look normal, feel normal or even act normal.  If you are ready to be abnormal…

The normal child under 2 is expected to have 8-10 sick visits to the doctor a year.
The normal adult is expected to have 4 sick visits to the doctor per year.
The normal person hates Mondays, lives for Fridays, and wishes their lives away.
70% of Americans take at least 1 prescription drug daily
50% of Americans take at least 2 prescription drugs daily
Individuals 65-69 years old take nearly 14 prescriptions.
80-84 take an average of 18 prescriptions.
70% of Americans hate their stupid job.
More than 1/3 of US adults are obese.
The average American over-consumes 300 calories per day from empty calorie beverages.

STOP BEING NORMAL!Normal_is_Not_Healthy

  • Begin by making simple measurable changes to your daily life!
  • Determine what your life will be like in 5 years if you continue on the same path.
  • Employ a coach to keep you on track.  (Our Olympic and Professional athletes understand this tip.)
  • Add a multi-vitamin EVERY DAY.
  • Join a group for accountability.Potential Commitments

For more information, contact me.

Leucine and Weight Loss

I’ve recently been asked by a friend about the new Lysine produce being advertised on television with a 70% weight loss average due to fat loss.  Here is the information I have on a product that in test studies lost 99% of their weight from fat loss.

Being overweight or obese is the number one health issue of our day. Excess weight is associated with many diseases, including diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, coronary heart disease, stroke, sleep apnea, and osteoarthritis. Excess weight increases suffering, decreases quality of living, reduces life expectancy, and places a large burden on already burdened health care resources.1

Reversing the obesity epidemic will no doubt require advances on many fronts, including public health policy, consumer and physician education, and community engagement in supporting initiatives to help people become more active. There are literally hundreds of weight-loss programs, most of which do indeed lead to weight loss—but no attention is paid to what constitutes healthy and sustainable weight loss. Loss of water weight or muscle mass (as occurs in all programs) initially looks good on the scale, but fails in the long term to achieve the goal of permanent weight loss.

Since lean muscle mass constitutes the majority of metabolism2, loss of muscle mass is unsustainable in the long-term as metabolism will plummet along with weight loss, which leads to regaining of weight unless permanent changes in diet and lifestyle have occurred. Maintenance of lean muscle mass, therefore, is a key element of a successful weight-loss program.3


Since the time of the Roman Empire, protein has been known to help build muscles. When amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) were discovered, it was clear that only certain types of amino acids led to muscle building. The branched-chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) were found to have the most effect on maintaining muscle mass, and eventually leucine emerged as the amino acid that has unique effects on protein synthesis.4

Leucine has been shown to have the following effects helpful for weight loss:

  • Leucine inhibits the breakdown of other proteins.5
  • Leucine increases metabolism (thermogenic effect).6
  • During a low-calorie diet, consumption of leucine helps maintain lean muscle mass so that weight loss can preferentially come from fat stores.7
  • Leucine stimulates a rise in plasma leptin and helps people feel full.8

Several long-term studies in obese participants who consumed a high-soy protein/low-fat diet suggested improved body composition by losing fat and preserving muscle mass.9 Leucine supplementation combined with exercise appears to be one of the most effective way for maintaining lean muscle mass for weight loss.10


Excess weight continues to be a challenging public health problem. It is clear that increased protein content of meals during a weight-loss program not only increases satiety and modulates cravings, but also is the main metabolic messenger for the synthesis and maintenance of lean muscle mass.

The majority of leucine-related literature confirms the significance of leucine as a dietary modulator of muscle maintenance that is useful for weight loss and maintenance. The leucine content of a meal may be the critical factor for determining the quantity and quality of proteins necessary at a meal for stimulation of muscle protein synthesis and/or decreased muscle breakdown, and the maintenance of lean body mass and metabolism.

For More Information:

Contact me or check out the Shaklee180 line which features Leucine and sports nutrition.

  1. Wolf AM, Colditz GA. Current estimates of the economic cost of obesity in the United States. Obes Res. 1998 Mar;6(2):97-106. PMID: 9545015.
  2. Zurlo F, Larson K, Bogardus C, Ravussin E. Skeletal muscle metabolism is a major determinant of resting energy expenditure. J Clin Invest. 1990 Nov;86(5):1423-7. PMID: 2243122.
  3. Deibert P, König D, Schmidt-Trucksaess A, et al. Weight loss without losing muscle mass in pre-obese and obese subjects induced by a high-soy-protein diet. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2004 Oct;28(10):1349-52. PMID: 15303108.
  4. Layman DK, Walker DA. Potential importance of leucine in treatment of obesity and the metabolic syndrome. J Nutr. 2006 Jan;136(1 Suppl):319S-23S. PMID: 16365106. PDF
  5. Zanchi NE, Nicastro H, Lancha AH Jr. Potential antiproteolytic effects of L-leucine: observations of in vitro and in vivo studies. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2008 Jul 17;5:20. doi: 10.1186/1743-7075-5-20. PMID: 18637185. PDF
  6. Tappy L, Jéquier E, Acheson K. Thermic effect of infused amino acids in healthy humans and in subjects with insulin resistance. Am J Clin Nutr. 1993 Jun;57(6):912-6. PMID: 8503362.
  7. Churchward-Venne TA, Breen L, et al. Leucine supplementation of a low-protein mixed macronutrient beverage enhances myofibrillar protein synthesis in young men: a double-blind, randomized trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 2014 Feb;99(2):276-86. PMID: 24284442.
  8. Lynch CJ, Gern B, Lloyd C, Hutson SM, Eicher R, Vary TC. Leucine in food mediates some of the postprandial rise in plasma leptin concentrations. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2006 Sep;291(3):E621-30. Epub 2006 Apr 25. PMID: 16638821. PDF
  9. Deibert P, König D, Schmidt-Trucksaess A, et al. Weight loss without losing muscle mass in pre-obese and obese subjects induced by a high-soy-protein diet. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2004 Oct;28(10):1349-52. PMID: 15303108.
  10. Westcott W, Varghese J, DiNubile N, et al. Exercise and Nutrition More Effective than Exercise Alone for Increasing Lean Weight and Reducing Resting Blood Pressure. Journal of Exercise Physiology Online. 2011, 14(4). PDF

A 7 day cleanse ruined my life!

I decided I had consumed way too much trash over the Thanksgiving-Christmas holidays. I felt sluggish, had no energy, and was bloated, not to mention I’d gained 9 pounds. I heard about this awesome all you can eat cleanse and that sounded like something I could do. I stocked up on healthy, fresh produce and embarked on this great challenge. No starvation, no crazy concoctions, no drugs, just tasty, pretty, raw veggies and fruit.

Day 1: I want to eat a wheel of cheese and a whole tuna. (Don’t forget the protein.) I did very well on this day. Not many cravings, but the knowledge that I should avoid it for 7 days made me want it.IMG_20150109_192701

Day 2: <Head hits desk> When my body doesn’t get protein it doesn’t function. I had misunderstood the instructions and omitted any protein on day 1. Unable to function, a half serving of a plant based protein brought me back to life and I commenced to shoving large quantities of food in my mouth.IMG_20150107_184019
Day 3: I began feeling clearer in the head, my energy picked up a bit, I wasn’t wanting to eat forbidden foods (as much) I was very thankful for the 2 avocados that had fallen off my tree. I ate half of each of those beasts each day.IMG_20150104_133659
Day 4: This was a Thursday for me. When I walked into Rotary, the meat entre’ smelled divine. This day was very difficult to get enough food past my lips…to which my hubby found very entertaining. I felt that I could not possibly force anymore raw veggies past my teeth. Yet, I continued on.IMG_20150106_191831
Day 5: Must I really continue to eat this stuff? I had lots of energy, felt very clear headed, yet fixing chicken and such for the rest of my family caused me to be jealous. For dinner, I told my husband, “I give up, I want a pizza. I’ll just eat a veggie pizza so it won’t be that bad.” He said NO, so I had slightly steamed tomatoes with avocado and some homemade Italian dressing.IMG_20150105_130904
Day 6: I’ve made it this far… could I eat a whole cow? Nope…one more day to go. Tomato juice warmed with right protein tastes just like cream of tomato soup! I packed an apple and orange in my purse for snacks at the hockey game and ate my salad when we returned home at 10 pm.

Day 7: Easy, this is it. I am finished at dinner time. I shoved fruits and veggiez and plant based protein past my teeth with the knowledge of a small, grilled chicken breast for dinner, and maybe even a bite of ice cream.


Free dinner -its over!  Hubby grilled the chicken perfect, but when I bit into it, it didn’t meet my expectations.  When darling daughter finished her dinner and got ice cream, I had a single bite of the fowl tasting frozen concoction..

The cleanse ruined my taste buds! I lost 7 pounds in the 7 days, several inches around my waist, increased my energy levels, and wrecked my taste buds for the crap that infiltrates our daily lives.

Chicken is better now, fresh caught grouper is amazing, ice cream still doesn’t cut it and I am craving more veggies.

Things I learned.
*I am thankful for my supportive husband, even if he  makes fun of me in the process.
*Fruits and veggies make me feel good.
*Iron can eliminate cheese cravings.
*Fresh and lightly steamed veggies make gorgeous meals.
*I can do anything for 7 days.
*If I can do it for 7, I can commit to healthier choices on a daily basis for life.
*Keep drinking water-it keeps things moving.
*Protein is an integral part of my daily diet.
*If I have “side effects” it is due to my errors in following proper protocol.


I was devastated that the things I once coveted as delicious, no longer strike my fancy, however it is amazing how delicious these whole foods can taste when there isn’t anything skewed by hyper-palatable foods.  My “junk food life” was ruined! Now I focus on whole foods for my sweets and such!

For more information on this amazing All You Can Eat Cleansecontact me.

Quick Tip–Tempt Yourself!

I’ve spent my time employed in an office. I’ve seen the candy dishes, the boxes of bagels and donuts that come in from well meaning vendors to lure us into using their line of products, the cookies from happy clients who made it special for you…  This is like triple death to many.  You take a job, you sit all day to do that job, you have no “time” for exercise, and people bring in empty calories as a “treat” for you.

Even when I worked in the offices, I frequently stocked my own “candy dish.”  Here is my candy dish today!


When we set ourselves up to succeed, it is so much easier!  If you would like more quick tips or additional support or coaching, contact me.

Quick Tip–Move More to Boost Energy

I’ve suffered from the lack of energy spiral.  I feel a bit tired today, so I choose NOT to exercise or exert any effort and sit on the couch, or at the computer working and surfing what’s new on “faceplace.”  Smile  Before you know it, its been a couple of months since you’ve worked out, your energy levels have plummeted and you feel as if you can’t drag yourself off the couch!

The antidote is simply the polar opposite.  Get up and move!  Even if it’s just to the end of your driveway, down the stairs and back up a time or two…  Just start moving and those energy levels will begin to move more in the positive direction.

I dealt with depression for years, one of the things I found was that my energy levels went up and my depression levels began going down as I would move more!

Check out more of my quick tips to boost energy levels here. You are also welcome to visit my Facebook page for daily tips, inspiration and motivation!

Quick Tip–How to get Prolonged Energy Throughout the Day

How we begin our day, every day, sets us up for prolonged energy or a lack there of. 

Breakfast is the first meal you eat each day. No matter what time you eat, it is still your “break fast.”  What you eat is just as important as when you eat.

If you begin your day with nothing but carbohydrates (breakfast cereals, bagels, donuts, etc.) you are setting your body up for a blood sugar rush and then a plummet.  PLUMMET = ENERGY DROP


When you begin your day with a high quality protein and some fiber it then allows your body to work efficiently and avoids that drop in energy and also avoids the spike in cravings.

Begin your day with a quality, plant based protein and you will find that you don’t get as hungry, early in the day, and that your energy levels are more stable, all day long! When you are a busy mom, like me, a fast smoothee is an amazing way to begin the day, giving me all day energy and it also gets me through to lunch without all the nasty cravings.

For more information on healthy eating, quick tips, coaching or health promoting products, contact me. I’m happy to be of service.

Obesity and Preventable Death

Really?  You can do that? Don’t we all die?

YES, we do, ALL, die, however, our time here on earth doesn’t have to be riddled with pain and suffering.  Simple changes, made over time, can significantly decrease our chances of suffering from obesity (which can be crippling) which in turn decreases our chances of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

I recently received an email from Public Health Corps with some very valuable information, so I thought I would share it with you in regard to this important topic.

Nowhere is immune to this epidemic:

We already know the health risks associated with obesity, don’t we?

  • High Blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Abnormal triglycerides and cholesterols
  • Metabolic syndrom
  • Cancer
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Reproductive problems…
  • See more at this link.

The list is surprisingly long, however, there is something that can be done. I know, I’ve done it, I have friends who have done it, and with work, commitment, and teamwork, you can do it too!

What is this epidemic costing us? How much of our tax dollars are going toward obesity related issues?

Obesity Epidemic Costs World $2 Trillion a Year, Study Says

Obesity Epidemic Costs World $2 Trillion a Year, Study Says

Here are the Resources I promised you in the title and photo!

YOU ARE CAPABLE of making the change for the better. Whether you do it alone, with a coach, or with a group of friends, YOU CAN DO THIS!

I am here to be a resource. Simply contact me via email or on Facebook at The Healthy Grease Monkey. I have many resources and tools for all budgets and needs.

May your 2015 be the healthiest year for you yet! One Change Counts! Make it today!

Preparing for the Unexpected–Reaching Goals

It’s the New year! We have grand plans and ambitions for all that we will do in the new year… and then “it” happens.  Something pops up that distracts us from goal ahead. 

My dad has told me numerous times, “Will it matter in 5 years?”  Today, that resonates with me but in a different aspect.  Typically, he says that to me when I’m all bent out of shape about something that really doesn’t matter. When I’m flipping out and need pulled back to planet earth.

IF… we thought this simple phrase, “WILL IT MATTER IN 5 YEARS?” every time we made a choice we asked… How could that impact our goals and lives in the future.?

It is common, when we begin working on a new habit or goal, that at days 3, 7, 14, 21, something (anything) will happen to deter us from or planned destination. 

Examples of the Saboteur:

  • It rains and you’ve faithfully been out to run every day up to today.  Your choices: give up and do nothing OR do a 15-30 minute intensive indoor workout in the living room OR go roller-skating.
  • You’ve been religiously doing your morning smoothee every day for a week and your blender breaks…  Your choices: give up and eat a donut OR get out a sports drink bottle and shake that mix vigorously.
  • You’re building your business and have been making calls to your clients and prospects daily and you drop your phone.  Your choices: Give up and do nothing OR pick up the home phone, borrow your spouses phone, message people on Facebook individually, or even get it fixed immediately so you can continue your work.
  • You’ve done an excellent job at cutting out the carbs for a whole week and your co-worker brings in a giant chocolate cake to share with you.  Your Choices: Give up and eat a piece OR thank the co-worker and grab a handful of berries instead, or even try just one bite, exclaim how amazing it is, then discretely chuck it in the trash can.

By acknowledging that stuff happens and being prepared, we can overcome those obstacles on days 3-7-14-21 and stay on track to achieve those goals!

So, when the saboteur shows up and you are tempted to give in… remember… “How will this effect me in 5 years, if I don’t stick to my goals and desires today?”



What are some of your Plan B activities?