My Purpose for 2015 – How Can I Serve You?

One year ends, another begins.

As I sat down to begin working toward my 2015 goals and desires. (*business plan) I didn’t find it easy to work these out onto paper, so I began thinking of where I wanted to give next year.  2015 will be the year of giving for me.

I began with my purpose: I believe that my purpose is to assist others in building and rebuilding a strong temple for His Holy Temple. (1 Corinthians 3:16-17) To be a resource for others needs. To live and exemplify “Service above Self.”

Then I moved onto my specific areas of focus:

Spread the Message!  I want to “coach” at least 3,000 people in 2015, in a personal setting (other than social media) (that is 250 people per month.  I can do this in many ways: Public Speaking events, Teaching classes, Webinars/Teleconferences, Health fairs, Group coaching, One-on-One coaching.

Assist Six People in establishing a base income of $3,000 per month or more in their own personal marking business. This is through coaching, team work, personal development, online tools, and action.

Build Stronger Friendships by personally reaching out to people, creating reasons to get together, sending snail mail, and making phone calls just to check on them.

Personal Improvement by reading at least 6 books on health and healthy trends, read 6 books on leadership/success, & travel to at least 6 Shaklee events to stay “in the know” and provide transportation to those wishing to attend as well.

Giving to Others through increasing my tithing, finding a way to “give back” each month, and finding ways to include others in these opportunities.


Do you know of anyone who could benefit from what I have to offer, anyone looking for better health or to build an income for their own family by sharing and building others up by giving back and working with a dynamic team? Please, feel free to send them my way.

What is your PURPOSE for 2015?

Tomorrow is 2015 – What is in YOUR Fridge?

In May of last year a reporter came to my home to report “What’s in My Fridge.”  She wanted to know what she would find in a health coach’s refrigerator.  It was an excellent opportunity to evaluate if I was actually LIVING what I teach/coach/preach.

Today, as you are preparing for the NEW YEAR, think about what is in YOUR fridge?

Is your resolution, or goal, for 2015 to become healthier, to lose weight, to improve your health statistics?  If you are setting realistic goals, You NEED to set yourself up for success. If it isn’t in your refrigerator or pantry, you are less likely to eat it.


  1. Eliminate Soda and sweet drinks. Ramp down slowly, if you are used to drinking multiple sodas (or the gallon jug per day from the gas station) to keep from having caffeine withdrawal. You can reduce your caffeinated beverage by a cup a day until you have weened yourself off.  I switched to a natural soda for a while until I was ready to cut it out almost entirely.  (Izze)
  2. Switch to whole foods. Eliminate low fat/no fat.  Eliminate artificial sweeteners.  Look to fresh whole foods for high fiber, nutritive choices… apples, strawberries, grapes are sweet…  carrots, celery, and cherry tomatoes are crunchy… a sprinkle of Himalayan sea salt and they are great!
    Stock your Fridge 1 Health Grease Monkey Stock your Fridge 2 Healthy Grease Monkey
  3. Throw out the processed foods. Our media and advertisers have done an exceptional job of making us believe that we can’t do it all and eat too unless they do it for us!  LIE!  Bald faced LIE!  It is just a matter of learning new habits.  I have done it, it is possible, and you will LOVE the difference!  I enjoy showing people ways to create tasty treats and to make sure you have healthy foods, even when time is short!  When you stock up on the Whole Foods, you should immediately eliminate all the processed to make room for the healthier options.
  4. Gluten FREE does NOT equal HEALTHY. Many companies have jumped on the “Gluten Free” band wagon.  I have news for you… Processed food is Processed food whether it has Gluten or NOT.  😉  (Also, Fat free, sugar free, or any other “FREE” does not equal healthy.)
  5. ASK FOR HELP. Not sure where to begin. Ask for help.  JUST ASK.  I enjoy helping others and assisting them in learning to live healthier lives.

You don’t need to make the change all at once!  Even One Change Counts! I have videos to help you learn, blog articles, coaching, classes, and many friends who all work to share the good news. That healthier can be done.

Happy New Year!  Make 2015 HAPPY, HEALTHY, AND PROSPEROUS!

New Year Wishes

New Year’s Time Saver – Chili & Refried Beans

As a busy mom, I frequently look for ways to accomplish more in less time.  Cooking is an area where I can easily do this.  I like to make the most of my time in the kitchen, so last night, I prepped some beans for the crock pot today.

It doesn’t take any additional time soak twice as many beans, so I soak enough to make more than one bulk dish.  Last night, I soaked 1 pound of small reds, 1 pound of black, 1 pound of light red kidney beans in my larger crock pot.

This morning, I’ve got both Chili and Refried beans in dueling crock pots.  You don’t have 4 crock pots in your possession? (Yes, I may have an issue with crock pots.) Not a problem.  Make chili today and cook those refried beans tomorrow. Just put that helping of soaked beans in the fridge and cook ’em tomorrow. 🙂

(Looking to kick the nutrition of your refried beans up a notch?  Grab some Moringa leaves from a tree and throw them in right before you put in the fresh beans.)

Looking for a tasty veggie chili?

Dueling Crock Pots

My crock pot fetish. The crock on the left was my grandmothers, then my aunts, and now mine. It is an original crock pot and still works wonderfully. The crock on the right is my trusty favorite. Its frequently on my counter. I use it as a prepper – in most cases we don’t like our veggies cooked to mush (pulls out and destroys the nutrition) but is wonderful at cooking down stocks from left over carcasses (chicken bones) and cooking tomato dishes and beans.) We eat lots of beans here. 🙂

STOP! Wait before you start that Cleanse!

I’m not denying that providing your body with high quality nutrients and fiber can’t have profound effects and allow you system to begin working more efficiently. I’m not saying that your liver couldn’t use a break from all the abuse it gets on a daily basis.

I AM saying, perhaps an additional day or two of good prep work could assist you in avoiding many of the “side effects” that many seem to get when they “cleanse” their systems.

As I watch all the social media and see everyone talking about “making a change for a healthier new year” I get excited that so many are ready to commit, and then, a bit sad in that so many will give up, feeling as if they have failed.  My goal in this article is to set you up to WIN! 

Why wait?

Some people, occasionally, will experience some side effects.  These are typically:

  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Headache
  • Weakness
  • Nausea
  • Flu-like symptoms

Day 2 is typically the day you will notice most, if any, of these symptoms, especially, if you have over-indulged prior to your cleanse.  This is the REASON – I suggest waiting a few days to begin – past New Years Day.

Almost always, these symptoms are from dehydration, starvation or withdrawal from caffeine, sugar or alcohol.

Why do people “cleanse”?



What do I eat on a Cleanse?


I don’t believe in starving myself, or my clients.  I believe in providing high quality nutrition to my body to allow it to do its job!  Here is a link to an 18 minute video that explains how to “cleanse” without the starvation portion so many think is necessary. I will also provide links to the 4 products mentioned in this presentation.  (NOTE: special parameters for those with Diabetes or Low Blood Sugar is at 10:00 Minute mark.)

Fresh Start supplements

Alfalfa Complex  *  Liver DTX Complex   *   Herb-Lax   *   Optiflora

If you would like additional information on how to set up your cleanse or to discuss what might be a match for your personal needs, please feel free to contact me at

Peanut Butter-Oatmeal Cookies

My daughter loves Peanut Butter cookies.  I try to make them a step healthier.  Here is what we use for our recipe… Her reply – “Yum, mommy, these taste just like the other cookies! This recipe uses less sugar and a substitution of some protein powder to offset some of the empty carbs.


1 cup organic butter

1/2 cup packed brown sugarPeanut Butter-Oatmeal Cookies Nutrition
1/4 cup white sugar
1 cup peanut Butter
2 eggs
1/4 cup Protein Powder
1 1/4 cup organic all-purpose flour
2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp Himalayan sea salt
1 cup oat meal (if you have a texture picky child, like mine, you can grind this into a flour)


 Preheat your oven to 350 degree F

Mix protein, flour, baking soda, sea salt and oats in a medium bowl – save to add to wet

In a mixer cream the butter, sugars and peanut butter until smooth.  Beat in the eggs one at a time until well blended. Blend the dry ingredients into the wet until just combined completely.

Drop by spoonfuls onto a cookie sheet.  I used a medium sized Pampered Chef scoop to measure them out.

Bake 10-15 minutes in the preheated oven.  JUST UNTIL LIGHT BROWN.  Don’t over-bake.

Store in an airtight container, or give to neighbors.  😉

7 Tips to Cleaning when the Family is Sick

Its Christmas time, we are hustling and bustling and I keep seeing where more and more families are dealing with the flu and other illnesses. Why is that Christmas time is when people get sick? It’s just not fair!

I feel very lucky that our household has managed to avoid all the “creeping crud” so far this year.  We continue to take our supplements and eat with the purpose of boosting our immunity, knowing that occasionally we will still fight an illness.

When we do get sick with colds, stomach viruses, etc., I have a routine that I put into action to help decrease the chances of anyone else getting the bug.

  1. WASH YOUR HANDS – a lot! My 7 year old thinks its torture, but we constantly remind her to wash her hands.
  2. Hands AWAY from Your Face – CLB is a finger sucker. We work diligently to break this habit, and I can see the orthodontist in our future.  We must keep reminding her over and over until she gets it.  (Or doesn’t get it – in regard to the illness) (update: she has ceased the finger sucking!)
  3. Wash Bedding Daily – Its an extra hassle, but makes such a difference.  Don’t allow those bugs to multiply.  We ALSO wash her “blankie” daily as well.
  4. Change out Towels – I don’t always visit her bathroom, I have my own.  I am always amazed at the “colors” that have transferred to the towels in her bathroom.  When she is sick – we Wash them DAILY until she is better. Kitchen towels too – you never know who has wiped what with those babies. LOL
  5. WIPE it ALL DOWN – We use Basic G as our only germicide and disinfectant. No need to stress the body with additional neuro-toxic fumes, the body needs to focus energies on healing and not on eliminating toxins from the body. A microfiber cloth and a spritz of diluted G will tak care of it all! (doorknobs, light switches, sink handles, refrigerator handle, and toilet handles. Other items can be wiped down with a towel that has been spritzed with G: phones, remote controls, and gaming controls)  You can find the COMPLETE list of pathogens Basic G kills here on the bottom of the page. (We’ve found that Lysol and other “commercial” germicide products multiply our illnesses in the house by compromising our human immune system, so we steer clear and head for the more natural options, AND Basic G is much less expensive.)
  6. Receptacles for Gooey Tissues – We move a trash can to the ill patient’s “nesting area” or an empty protein canister (re-purposed) The last thing I want to handle is my hubby’s pile of slimy tissues!  A protein canister, a trash can, a grocery bag – something to “contain the cooties”!
  7. Once the sickness is gone, it is best to Replace tooth-brushes! During the ordeal, you can soak them in hydrogen peroxide or run ’em through the dishwasher.  I do know some folks who rinse them in a very dilute mixture of the Basic G then rinse them very, very well. (It is not labeled for this and I don’t, but I do know some who do.)

For some additional ideas and tips to stay healthy – here is an article I wrote this fall – “5 Tips for Avoiding the New Respiratory Virus +”


I also like to spray down the leather sofas with the Basic G whenever they get up off of it!  We spray down the cushions and the arm rests and wipe it down with a microfiber towel.  This is where most of the family “nests” during a “battle”.  🙂

Make it a GREAT day!

8 Tips to Avoid a Blue, Blue Christmas

As the holidays rapidly approach and the hustle and bustle that is the Christmas season rock into full speed craziness it is easy to become overwhelmed.

Things don’t always go the way we intend, people aren’t there to spend it with us, money may get tight, things seem out of control and our moods drop and sadness can take over. 

Here are a few tips to fight those blues and keep your mood more golden and happy.

Add Vitamin D: Go out and get some sun!  Vitamin D levels have been shown to affect our moods.  Mayo Clinic & Vitamin D Get out and absorb some D from the sun or look for a quality supplement to assist you in this task.

Get Moving: Harvard Health tells us in its compilation of previous studies that moving. It is easy to get trapped in that spiral of depression and sluggishness.  I fight this on a regular basis.  Feeling a bit low, so you lay on the couch, then after a while you begin hurting from a lack of exercise so you don’t want to move, then you feel even more bad about yourself because you’ve been a slug and haven’t moved.  Just get up and go for a walk.  (I continue to struggle with this one issue. It is a daily choice to find ways to move and stay active.)

Add Vitamin B Complex: The B Complex vitamins are ESSENTIAL for our mental well being.  When the levels get low (which is easy since we don’t store it or make it) our moods can follow.  Studies show that low levels of these essential vitamins can have a marked effect on our well being.

Don’t Over-Imbibe: When we drink alcohol it uses up the B Complex in our system as well as any Vitamin C.  So A) don’t drink so much and B) replace the vitamins you know are being depleted by your actions.

Be Conscious of your Sugar Intake: I KNOW you don’t want to hear this during the holiday season, BUT…  According to World of Psychology, “People who suffer from depression are especially vulnerable to sugar’s evil power.” Eat 7-9 servings of fruits and veggies a day, the fiber will help to counteract some of the damage being done by those sugars. Whole foods, minimally processed are the antidote to the damages being done by sugar consumption. See: Sugar, The Bitter Truth

Follow General Nutritional Suggestions: When your body is getting the fuel it needs to be keep running strong and healthy, it is better able to deal with stressors and set backs!

Drink Water: Stay Hydrated! PsychCentral and other sources tell us that dehydration is also related to depression, so keep drinking water and remember that “flavored” drinks, sodas, and coffee don’t count as your water intake.

Meditate: Whether you clear your mind of all thoughts, focus on a scripture, visualize yourself by a babbling brook or journal your thoughts – meditation is shown time and again to provide relief from depression and the blues. A local source to teach Mindful Based Stress Reduction is Madeline Ebilini.

Thank you, Kara Shufflebarger for the image that I turned blue! 🙂 

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How to Get Notified of Your Favorite Facebook Fan Page Posts.

I learned another Facebook trick today that I thought I’d share with you.  It is useful if you have ever thought you are missing your favorite Facebook posts. (“Like” The Healthy Grease Monkey) and would like to make sure you get ALL of them.

Get Notifications

How to get notified of Healthy Grease Monkey’s Facebook fan page posts (and any other fan pages):

  • Go to  The Healthy Grease Monkey‘s Facebook Fan Page,
  • Hover your mouse over the “Like” button,
  • Then click on “Get Notifications.”

This should make sure you are notified of any new posts!  This works on any Page you’ve liked.  I am on my way to begin changing many pages settings to get notified of new posts.

Thank you, and have a HEALTHY, GREAT DAY!
