Where do you like to walk?

We are four weeks into the new year.  Better health and continued healthy living, as well as sharing it with others is my continued resolution for 2013.  In doing such, I am looking for new places to walk with my friends and family.


My goal is to compile a list of all the places to walk in the SW Florida area so when you are ready to try something new, you can click here and find somewhere new to try.

Contact me, here or on Facebook at Feel Good Fast and let me know where your favorite place to take a stroll or an aggressive walk and why you like that location and I will add it to our database!

Thank you!  Make it a GREAT Weekend.

PS: you can join us with the Feel Good Fast Walking team at the Moving Toward a Cure for Brain Tumors walk at Lakes Park tomorrow morning at 9:30 AM! Just Look around me.  I’ll be there in a black sparkle skirt and a couple of Team Mates.


My 2012 Resolution and the Straight Line

My 2012 Resolution was to read the Bible. The entire Bible. I had tried this before and failed, beat myself up, and given up.  This time was different.

I got a reading plan from my friend Camille, that she was using to read through her Bible, and I followed that program.


It wasn’t always easy, and I didn’t complete the task in 2012.  It took me an additional 12 days to complete it, but I DID IT! 

My challenges were the same for this goal, as they have been for any other goal I’ve worked for.  There was a time commitment, I needed to be consistent, and I needed to commit to the goal. 

I did very well, only fell behind a couple of times, then caught up…until… October 26th.  On October 26th I stopped reading and got out of the habit, and found it excruciatingly difficult to find the time, to find the desire to complete it.  I fell a month behind and then began the usual.

Healthy Grease Monkey - Goal Straight Line 

I am so happy that I finally STOPPED, beating myself up, laying blame and guilt on myself, and just got back on that “line” toward my goal. Its been the same for any goal for me – weight loss, training for an event, eating healthy. 

I get into a great routine, its going well, then “life” happens and interrupts the routine and instead of just going back to the line I get stuck in the circle of Guilt, Blame & Shame until that goal is all but out of sight.


2013 Resolutions:

  • Enroll a team for at least 1 walk/run event per month.
  • Invite those striving for better health to join me on those events.
  • Celebrate the victories, no matter how small.
  • Get over the stumbles, get back on the line, and achieve.
  • Assist others in attaining better health.

Are spider webs causing you joint and muscle pain?

As I rounded the corner to 42, I noticed more aches and pains in my daily dealings.  I also noticed times when there were more aches and times when there were fewer.  It has occurred to me that these aches and pains are a direct correlation to my activity levels and my diet.


When I exercise regularly (that’s walking for me) my muscles and joints in my legs, back, arms and neck don’t hurt as much.  When I take my supplements and choose wise culinary options, I feel GREAT!

However, just as a spider web is built one strand at a time, so do the tight, sore muscles and joints in my body. When I don’t provide the nutrition my body needs its ability to run properly is compromised.

When I don’t get out there and walk or exercise from home in some way for days at a time, each day the aches and pains increase in number and intensity.

So, how do I unravel that web of pain and discomfort. I begin with gently stretching and adding some activity. I recommit to healthful eating. Rather than just eating for the moment, I make the effort to choose more fiber, higher quality protein and foods that support my health. I also opt for a massage from my trusted LMT at Serenity Healing Studio or Dr. Green, my Chiropractor for an adjustment.

Just because I abused my body and avoided healthy choices for years, doesn’t mean I can’t make a difference in my body’s ability to perform today.

Feel Good Fast -Power of 7

Please contact me for more information on how you can begin to unravel that spider web of tight muscles, and aches and pains.

Thank you to Chris Griffith and Life in Bonita Spring for the photo at the top of the page.

How to spend New Year’s Day–Just for fun!

(Update: She slept like this for a WEEK… She grew 1.5 inches in that week!  WOW)

Get up, eat a healthy breakfast of a chocolate protein smoothie.

Play with your new toys.

Put on your New Year’s PJ’s.

Turn on your Bowl Game and realize your team has forgotten to show up. (Sorry Purdue, but you Really inhaled forcibly today.) Then resort to the following sequence of photos.


Avoid watching the horrific bowl game on the television


Snuggle with momma like you did when you were only 10 pounds. (I know she doesn’t weigh much more than that now, but humor me!)


When mom gets up, stretch out and enjoy the W.H.O.L.E. couch.


When you fall off the couch, move to a comfortable location near daddy.


Don’t forget to make room for your cat. (Actually, she is HIS human.)


Now if we could just eliminate the finger sucking, today would have been perfect.  Now that the game is over she just came and told me, “Mom, we can go to the beach now.”

Black-eyed peas are in the crock pot and life is grand.  (We won’t really make it to the beach today, but I am happy to have gotten to spend basking in the sleepy snuggles of my darling daughter!

Blueprint for a successful, healthy lifestyle.

What is your plan? What are you looking for?Binoculars

The holidays are over and it is time to get back to normal, perhaps because of the new year, a New Normal.

When getting ready for a vacation, there are some things that you look at before you lock the door and head out for the adventure. (typically) What are you looking for, what do you want to do or see while on that trip? What is the most important part of that trip? The entire vacation hinges on the plan, just like building a new business, or just like writing a good paper. Begin with the end in mind – where do you want to be.

Since one of the things many people look to do in the new year is lose weight, here are some things to consider.

What are some of the things you are looking for as you choose a weight loss program? Here are 22 things as a place to start with. What are the points that are important to you?

Once you know what it is you are looking for, you can begin to build a plan that works. Begin with the end in mind. You not only want to lose weight, you need to maintain your muscle mass and your metabolism so that you can keep the weight off.

Why wait? I am ready to work with those wanting to get started NOW!

Get started in January for a Healthy, Happy New You.  Call me for  assistance, please feel free to contact me at Tess@HealthyGreaseMonkey.com


Its time you start to Feel Good Fast!  Get started today.