Jawbone – Tips to help us all Lose & Maintain our Weight

Jawbone recently released data they have accumulated from what their users are reporting and this gives us some really good insight into what works and what doesn’t!

Here are a few of the key points Jawbone found from the data:

  • Those who lost weight logged 75% more meals per week than those who didn’t lose weight. There has been debate about whether eating more well-balanced, small meals actually helps your metabolism. Some experts say yes and others say no, but Jawbone’s data supports the former.

  • UP users who lost weight logged 60% more workouts per week.

  • Jawbone wearers who lost weight also had 11% more teammates than those who didn’t.

    Those who lost weight got 8% more sleep, too.

  • UP users who lost weight also logged foods that had 25% more fiber, 13% less fat, 13% fewer calories, and 12% less sugar per meal.

  • They also ate breakfast 30% more often and drank 33% more water than those who didn’t lose weight.

via Weight-Loss Habits, According To Jawbone – Business Insider.

These are tips I frequently use in coaching, it is nice to see them confirmed, once again!

Quick Tip – Be ABNORMAL – for a Successful & Healthy Life

As I search the internet looking for information on the “average” “normal” person I am amazed.  I NEVER want to be normal again. I don’t want to look normal, feel normal or even act normal.  If you are ready to be abnormal…

The normal child under 2 is expected to have 8-10 sick visits to the doctor a year.
The normal adult is expected to have 4 sick visits to the doctor per year.
The normal person hates Mondays, lives for Fridays, and wishes their lives away.
70% of Americans take at least 1 prescription drug daily
50% of Americans take at least 2 prescription drugs daily
Individuals 65-69 years old take nearly 14 prescriptions.
80-84 take an average of 18 prescriptions.
70% of Americans hate their stupid job.
More than 1/3 of US adults are obese.
The average American over-consumes 300 calories per day from empty calorie beverages.

STOP BEING NORMAL!Normal_is_Not_Healthy

  • Begin by making simple measurable changes to your daily life!
  • Determine what your life will be like in 5 years if you continue on the same path.
  • Employ a coach to keep you on track.  (Our Olympic and Professional athletes understand this tip.)
  • Add a multi-vitamin EVERY DAY.
  • Join a group for accountability.Potential Commitments

For more information, contact me.

Quick Tip – Rollerskating

There are many activities we do with our children, that with a bit of effort can increase the effectiveness, calories burned, and muscle strength.

Today, I went rollerskating with my daughter, a favorite activity of ours.  My goal is to get my heart rate elevated for a prolonged period of time, sweat a bit, burn some of those calories and even build some muscle.

If you hold your arms out to the side, up in the air, for a second, its easy, same thing when you squat down. BUT, if you keep your arms there for an extended period of time, you will begin to feel the burn as gravity does its work and the muscles begin to work as you are holding them there.  Same thing, with the squat.  So what I do is keep my feet moving and work my thighs by squatting down into the moves and using my thigh muscles to push my feet out and pull them back in, all while maintaining that squat.

Keep moving until you feel the burn, then hold it a bit longer to make it worth it.  I use the burst mentality to make the most of my time.

3-5 minutes of warm up.
3 minutes of stretching muscles.
20 second bursts of movement in the squatted stance with 10 second intervals of relaxed gliding between. (3 minutes 30 seconds total at a time)
3 minutes of cool down.

Today, we were only at the rink for a couple of hours. (1 hour of it that I could skate) So, I did several reps of the above workout.

Quick Tip–Tempt Yourself!

I’ve spent my time employed in an office. I’ve seen the candy dishes, the boxes of bagels and donuts that come in from well meaning vendors to lure us into using their line of products, the cookies from happy clients who made it special for you…  This is like triple death to many.  You take a job, you sit all day to do that job, you have no “time” for exercise, and people bring in empty calories as a “treat” for you.

Even when I worked in the offices, I frequently stocked my own “candy dish.”  Here is my candy dish today!


When we set ourselves up to succeed, it is so much easier!  If you would like more quick tips or additional support or coaching, contact me.

Quick Tip–Move More to Boost Energy

I’ve suffered from the lack of energy spiral.  I feel a bit tired today, so I choose NOT to exercise or exert any effort and sit on the couch, or at the computer working and surfing what’s new on “faceplace.”  Smile  Before you know it, its been a couple of months since you’ve worked out, your energy levels have plummeted and you feel as if you can’t drag yourself off the couch!

The antidote is simply the polar opposite.  Get up and move!  Even if it’s just to the end of your driveway, down the stairs and back up a time or two…  Just start moving and those energy levels will begin to move more in the positive direction.

I dealt with depression for years, one of the things I found was that my energy levels went up and my depression levels began going down as I would move more!

Check out more of my quick tips to boost energy levels here. You are also welcome to visit my Facebook page for daily tips, inspiration and motivation!

Preparing for the Unexpected–Reaching Goals

It’s the New year! We have grand plans and ambitions for all that we will do in the new year… and then “it” happens.  Something pops up that distracts us from goal ahead. 

My dad has told me numerous times, “Will it matter in 5 years?”  Today, that resonates with me but in a different aspect.  Typically, he says that to me when I’m all bent out of shape about something that really doesn’t matter. When I’m flipping out and need pulled back to planet earth.

IF… we thought this simple phrase, “WILL IT MATTER IN 5 YEARS?” every time we made a choice we asked… How could that impact our goals and lives in the future.?

It is common, when we begin working on a new habit or goal, that at days 3, 7, 14, 21, something (anything) will happen to deter us from or planned destination. 

Examples of the Saboteur:

  • It rains and you’ve faithfully been out to run every day up to today.  Your choices: give up and do nothing OR do a 15-30 minute intensive indoor workout in the living room OR go roller-skating.
  • You’ve been religiously doing your morning smoothee every day for a week and your blender breaks…  Your choices: give up and eat a donut OR get out a sports drink bottle and shake that mix vigorously.
  • You’re building your business and have been making calls to your clients and prospects daily and you drop your phone.  Your choices: Give up and do nothing OR pick up the home phone, borrow your spouses phone, message people on Facebook individually, or even get it fixed immediately so you can continue your work.
  • You’ve done an excellent job at cutting out the carbs for a whole week and your co-worker brings in a giant chocolate cake to share with you.  Your Choices: Give up and eat a piece OR thank the co-worker and grab a handful of berries instead, or even try just one bite, exclaim how amazing it is, then discretely chuck it in the trash can.

By acknowledging that stuff happens and being prepared, we can overcome those obstacles on days 3-7-14-21 and stay on track to achieve those goals!

So, when the saboteur shows up and you are tempted to give in… remember… “How will this effect me in 5 years, if I don’t stick to my goals and desires today?”



What are some of your Plan B activities?

Quick Tips–7 to 9 Daily


The CDC reports that eating plenty of Fruits and Veggies could:

"Eat your fruits and vegetables." You’ve likely heard this statement since childhood. Research shows why it is good advice:

  • Healthy diets rich in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases.
  • Fruits and vegetables also provide essential vitamins and minerals, fiber, and other substances that are important for good health.
  • Most fruits and vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories and are filling.
Find ways to fit them in!!

Here are some ways I fit more of these colorful gems into my daily life.

  • Start be blending 1/2 a banana and some berries in a smoothee.
  • Mix a 1/2 cup of veggies in with your eggs in the AM.
  • Keep an apple, orange, or grapefruit with you for on the go snacks.
  • Keep Veggies and Fruits washed and prepped ready to eat. – When they are all ready to go.  When they are prepped and ready, it is so much easier to reach for them when the mood strikes. (Helps us to avoid grabbing cookies or chips instead.)
  • Fix an extra veggie with dinner.  It doesn’t’ take that long to heat up an extra serving of veggies when prepping the rest of dinner.
  • For a dessert or snack – opt for fresh fruit instead of ice cream!
  • Salads are good for any time of the day and aren’t all just leafy greens (even though they are tasty and do count!)  Try a tasty broccoli salad or a mixed fruit salad.  Keep away from the polluted HV ranch dressing – even try making some of your own.  Smile


What are some of the ways you like to fit your 7 to 9 in each day? 

Quick Tip–Avoiding Sitting Disease

It’s a new year and may have pledged to get into better health! According to JustStand.org sitting for long periods of time can be compared to smoking.

  • Sedentary lifestyles increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. “For people who sit most of the day, their risk of heart attack is about the same as smoking.”~ Martha Grogan, Cardiologist, Mayo Clinic

Here is a quick video with some tips to combat that “Sitting Disease.”

Here is a few of the statistics provided on JustStand.org!


My Purpose for 2015 – How Can I Serve You?

One year ends, another begins.

As I sat down to begin working toward my 2015 goals and desires. (*business plan) I didn’t find it easy to work these out onto paper, so I began thinking of where I wanted to give next year.  2015 will be the year of giving for me.

I began with my purpose: I believe that my purpose is to assist others in building and rebuilding a strong temple for His Holy Temple. (1 Corinthians 3:16-17) To be a resource for others needs. To live and exemplify “Service above Self.”

Then I moved onto my specific areas of focus:

Spread the Message!  I want to “coach” at least 3,000 people in 2015, in a personal setting (other than social media) (that is 250 people per month.  I can do this in many ways: Public Speaking events, Teaching classes, Webinars/Teleconferences, Health fairs, Group coaching, One-on-One coaching.

Assist Six People in establishing a base income of $3,000 per month or more in their own personal marking business. This is through coaching, team work, personal development, online tools, and action.

Build Stronger Friendships by personally reaching out to people, creating reasons to get together, sending snail mail, and making phone calls just to check on them.

Personal Improvement by reading at least 6 books on health and healthy trends, read 6 books on leadership/success, & travel to at least 6 Shaklee events to stay “in the know” and provide transportation to those wishing to attend as well.

Giving to Others through increasing my tithing, finding a way to “give back” each month, and finding ways to include others in these opportunities.


Do you know of anyone who could benefit from what I have to offer, anyone looking for better health or to build an income for their own family by sharing and building others up by giving back and working with a dynamic team? Please, feel free to send them my way.

What is your PURPOSE for 2015?

Tomorrow is 2015 – What is in YOUR Fridge?

In May of last year a reporter came to my home to report “What’s in My Fridge.”  She wanted to know what she would find in a health coach’s refrigerator.  It was an excellent opportunity to evaluate if I was actually LIVING what I teach/coach/preach.

Today, as you are preparing for the NEW YEAR, think about what is in YOUR fridge?

Is your resolution, or goal, for 2015 to become healthier, to lose weight, to improve your health statistics?  If you are setting realistic goals, You NEED to set yourself up for success. If it isn’t in your refrigerator or pantry, you are less likely to eat it.


  1. Eliminate Soda and sweet drinks. Ramp down slowly, if you are used to drinking multiple sodas (or the gallon jug per day from the gas station) to keep from having caffeine withdrawal. You can reduce your caffeinated beverage by a cup a day until you have weened yourself off.  I switched to a natural soda for a while until I was ready to cut it out almost entirely.  (Izze)
  2. Switch to whole foods. Eliminate low fat/no fat.  Eliminate artificial sweeteners.  Look to fresh whole foods for high fiber, nutritive choices… apples, strawberries, grapes are sweet…  carrots, celery, and cherry tomatoes are crunchy… a sprinkle of Himalayan sea salt and they are great!
    Stock your Fridge 1 Health Grease Monkey Stock your Fridge 2 Healthy Grease Monkey
  3. Throw out the processed foods. Our media and advertisers have done an exceptional job of making us believe that we can’t do it all and eat too unless they do it for us!  LIE!  Bald faced LIE!  It is just a matter of learning new habits.  I have done it, it is possible, and you will LOVE the difference!  I enjoy showing people ways to create tasty treats and to make sure you have healthy foods, even when time is short!  When you stock up on the Whole Foods, you should immediately eliminate all the processed to make room for the healthier options.
  4. Gluten FREE does NOT equal HEALTHY. Many companies have jumped on the “Gluten Free” band wagon.  I have news for you… Processed food is Processed food whether it has Gluten or NOT.  😉  (Also, Fat free, sugar free, or any other “FREE” does not equal healthy.)
  5. ASK FOR HELP. Not sure where to begin. Ask for help.  JUST ASK.  I enjoy helping others and assisting them in learning to live healthier lives.

You don’t need to make the change all at once!  Even One Change Counts! I have videos to help you learn, blog articles, coaching, classes, and many friends who all work to share the good news. That healthier can be done.

Happy New Year!  Make 2015 HAPPY, HEALTHY, AND PROSPEROUS!

New Year Wishes