Interview with Franny–Making time for health.

I talked with Franny this week and asked her a few questions about what she is looking for in her quest to heal and gain better health. 

I was somewhat amazed that many of the things that stand in the way of her feeling better are very similar to things that try to stand in my way at times.  Showing me, we are all humans in the same mix, working to make things better.


Here’s our interview:

What do you want to create in your life, health-wise? What is your goal?

I want to create a healthier me. I want to loose 70 lbs.

Great! Once accomplished, what will loosing 70 pounds and a healthier you do for you?

Live life more! Get more energy, reduce my risk risk of diabetes, bring back the spontaneous me!

What has been your resistance to this point?

A) Being a mom. I am tired when I wake up (that is getting better since I started my thyroid replacement pill). 

B) Having a husband who is not home. So I do a lot of the housework, cooking, school stuff, animal duties, etc.

C) Spending 98% of my day in the kitchen (it is where the dishwasher, stove, computer/office, & laundry room are located). This causes me to eat mindlessly.

D) Health issues that would improve if I lost the weight.

If it wasn’t  for the cancer thing, being overweight would be my only health problem.

Why is it important to you to create this in your life?

Create a healthier me? Because I want to do things with my kids, look younger than my husband, weigh less than my husband (lol), fit into cute clothes!

I do nothing for me. That has to change.

What amazed me about our interview was the fact that it sounded so familiar.  How many other moms out there are facing similar issues?

We will continue to follow Franny on her journey to better health.  Our goal is to give others the encouragement to make the move to better health as well. 

If you would like information on sponsoring Franny and her recovery, getting healthy yourself, or assisting a friend in need, as we are with Franny, contact me.  (

You can do it, we can help support you!

“I’m a mom, I don’t have time for cancer”

How close are we to personal health & financial devastation?

22 years ago I met a fun loving gal at Purdue University at the ZTA house. We pledged together and vowed to be sisters for life.

Life has gone on, we’ve gone our separate ways, but Facebook has brought us back together.  Franny now lives in NW Indiana and I live here in sunny, SW Florida.

Today, I want to tell you Franny’s story.  One that many aren’t to far from repeating, they just don’t realize it yet.

Meet Franny.

They were your typical family.  Everything was going great. Franny’s Thirty-One Gifts business was beginning to thrive, hubby was working hard and they were living the American dream.  In the blink of an eye, things began to change.

January 2012  – Her husband lost his job and we lost our insurance

February 2012 – Franny found a lump in her neck (She didn’t have it checked out because they didn’t have any insurance and they were down to her Thirty-One Gifts Business income)

April 2012 – The lump began getting bigger

May 2012 – Finally went to the doctor; had ultrasound and blood work

June 2012 – Biopsy, abnormal cells – cancer still unknown

July 2012 –  Oncologist, advanced blood work-up, thyroid levels normal
Lump defined as a nodule. Left up to her to see a surgeon

August 2012 – Advised “leave it or have it removed” 4% chance cancer

December 2012 – Right thyroid removed with nodule

January 2013 – thyroid was cancerous nodule not.  30% chance left
nodule was cancerous too – recommended they remove

February 2013 – Left thyroid removed. Difficult surgery, vocal chords
damaged 6-12 months to heal and recover

March 2013 – CONFIRMED left thyroid lobe was cancerous.

Currently, Franny is awaiting diagnosis and whether she will need to undergo radioactive iodine treatments or not.  All of this, while caring for her babies, running her 31 gifts business, and without insurance.

My mission, is to get her the supplemental nutrition she needs to heal faster.

My request is for those who can, would you assist me in supporting her.

  1. Prayers are requested for healing, understanding, peace, joy, time with her family stress free. 
  2. If you would like more information on how you can sponsor this wonderful gal, her recovery nutrition, and her family, please contact me.

Franny Flyer

When three people purchase the Lean & Healthy Kit nutrition kit to improve and support their own health, Franny gets her’s free.  I have 2 people already committed to improving their own health as a means to also support and “sponsor” Franny’s.

If you or someone you know is interested in supporting your own health, and in turn allowing Franny’s kit to be complimentary, please let me know.

If you know someone else recovering from cancer that could benefit from this model, contact me.  I am happy to get this going for them as well.

Working to be part of the solution!  – Think outside the box!



Good Nutrition? Where do I begin?

Something I typically take for granted was brought to my attention today.  What is good nutrition? Where do I begin?


I really take healthy choices for granted. I didn’t always. It wasn’t until after I had my daughter and decided I wanted to have the energy and the ability to play with her and participate in her life that I became conscious of what choices could improve my health. (Being an “older” mom can do that to ya.)

Today, I had a new dad ask me this question.  He wants to be healthier for many reasons, but one that stuck out in my mind and I could really relate to was – to be around for my child.

A good place to begin is by journaling, knocking out sweetened drinks, and avoiding refined carbohydrates. (sugar, white flour, breads, cookies, that sort of thing)

Eliminate Sweetened drinks and Artificial Sweeteners, a common source of the Average American’s 300 calories of overconsumption.

Drink Water! – Plenty of it.

Be sensible, walk a little, dance a little, HAVE FUN! I don’t believe you have to join a gym and “do the circuits” twice a day to improve your health. I lost all my weight & gained my better health and have maintained it for 6 years now, by walking and choosing healthier options to eat.

Find Support!  Find a friend, a family member, a support group, or a coach to work with to support you and help keep you on track.  Its always more fun when you aren’t doing it alone!

YOU DON’T HAVE TO CHANGE EVERYTHING all at once to gain health. Steady, gradual movements toward a healthier lifestyle, healthier, more beneficial choices can have TREMENDOUS benefits.

I love what I do, how I feel and the energy to support others. I am driven to help others find this same love! Contact me for more information.

Homemade Vanilla Extract

With my daughter’s allergy to corn and my efforts to avoid preservatives and unknown ingredients, we have ventured out on a new adventure.  Making my own Vanilla. (I make everything else, it seems, why not give it a try.)

Here is what I have done.  I have chosen the smoothest Vodka I could find, Organic Froggy B Vodka.  Purchased an organic vanilla bean from the health food store.  Washed out an empty Maple Syrup flask.

Put it all together and wait 4-6 months and there you have it. Organic, homemade vanilla extract.  Here are some photos for you to see our progress.


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              Feb 2, 2013                                                    Feb 9, 2013


March 11, 2013

Can’t wait to begin using this!  My longtime family friend says it is the BEST!

That Which does not Kill Us…. (or does it?)

Its been a rough couple of weeks for me.  The cancer card seems to be falling all around me.  We buried a friends wife a week ago. A sorority sister was diagnosed this week. A niece is fund raising for her friend who has been diagnosed. My heart aches for my friends, family members, and even strangers who are dealing with heart ache and pain from these killer diseases.

I’ve been reading everything I can get my hands on for years.  Ever since I knocked off the extra weight, and the need for my six pharmaceutical meds, I’ve been researching how to make a difference. How to help myself and others avoid these killers.


Today, I began reading Jamie McManus, M.D.’s “Your Personal Guide to Wellness. What your Doctor Doesn’t Have Time to Tell You.”  Off of the pages screamed another statistic… 

The personal risk for developing major diseases and severe health problems is 20% genetics and 80% lifestyle.”  ~Dr. Jamie McManus

This comment is one that spurs me on to keep heading down this path. I truly believe that each one of us can add life to our years and years to our life through daily decisions.

Looking forward to what more this book with scream out to me as well as the other titles that arrived in the mail today!  I see an information rich few weeks ahead for myself! (Never stop learning)

If you would like more information on how your personal lifestyle choices and personal habits can have GREAT benefits for your life, contact me.

Chocolate Covered Protein Bites-With a Sense of Humor

My darling daughter turns 6 on Friday. Saturday is her birthday and I am opting for non-traditional birthday fare…of sorts.

  • Fruit Salad with homemade organic whipped cream
  • Chocolate covered protein bites
  • Brownie pops
  • Fruit smoothies from Fresh Planet.

Tonight it was time to make the protein bites. I haven’t made chocolate for dipping in a long time, so I got to learn a valuable lesson tonight… that I will share. SmileDON’T ADD LIQUID TO YOUR CHOCOLATE!

Adding liquid to your chocolate causes it to seize and become a granular solid mass of useless schtuff!  LOL


Here’s the Good the Bad and the ugly of tonight’s cooking lesson.

Instead, use 1 TBSP of grape seed oil for each cup of chips that you are using.

I melted 1 cup of white chocolate chips to coat 40 protein bites, as seen below.  I use two tiny spoons to swish them in the melted chocolate, then move them to a piece of parchment paper on a cookie sheet.  I refrigerate them for 15-30 minutes, then move them to a container for storage.

These are a nice snack/treat because they pack a nice protein punch.  I only coat them in chocolate for special occasions, but love them!!!

Click the protein bites link for the basic recipe, then just roll them in your melted chocolate or white chocolate for a tasty, special treat!


For more information on healthy treats, contact me. I’m happy to share ideas!

Making Eating healthier Easier NOT more Difficult.

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I came across this article today, 10 Secrets to Cooking Healthier .  I thought it was a really good piece and wanted to elaborate on it a bit more.

  1. Use smart fats – We hear it everywhere – EVOO is your best option
  2. Go unrefined (whole grain vs processed) – This is actually one of our biggest sources of “sugars” in our diets.  We need the FIBER not the sugars.
  3. Eat more fruits and veggies – Find ways to sneak these in.  Prepare enough that you can snack for a couple of days on them. Buy them from local growers and they will stay fresh longer and maintain more of the nutrients than those purchased in the supermarket or super store.
  4. Its not all about meat – we’ve begun eating more legumes for our proteins.  The majority of our “meat” is chicken or turkey & fish with an occasional steak night for my “mainstream hubby”.
  5. Choose low-fat dairy – We choose Soy milk or Almond milk over cow’s and limit our dairy intake due to the hormones fed to the grocery store source herds.
  6. Keep portions reasonable – This one is really easy. When we eat a steak, my hubby & 6 year old split the big ole monster rather than eating one each.  when eating out, ask for your to go boxes up front, put half or more of your meal in the container and take your time enjoying the tasty food  you’ve just ordered. Most places now offer steamed veggies like brocolocoloccoli or carrots or green beans.
  7. Use sweeteners judiciously – steer clear of artificial sweeteners, they have side effects, move toward the more natural options and use them much less. (See #9)
  8. Keep an eye on sodium – When you begin making your own foods from whole sources, this becomes much easier since most things we buy in the store ready made are LOADED with the stuff!
  9. Go for flavor – We like adding sliced strawberries & lemon to our water for a tasty treat.  Fruit infused water is one of the special things our 6 year old likes since she can’t have other flavored drinks. (I’ll be adding an article soon on bold flavors with metabolism boosting properties.)
  10. Be Mindful and Enjoy  (healthy can be convenient when we think ahead) When we take the time to really enjoy what we have to eat instead of inhaling it like a vacuum cleaner many positive things happen in our bodies. A favorite book of mine on this topic is Eating with Fierce Kindness.


For more information, please feel free to contact me, or stop by our Facebook pages, The Healthy Grease Monkey or Feel Good Fast.

When your Healthy Choices are Sabotaged…

Many of us have heard the old adage, 21 days to change a habit, but what about those days that work to thwart our efforts?

Many of my clients have found that there are particular days that are more challenging than others. They have also discovered that if they are aware of what days these could be, they are better able to work through them and not allow these stumbling blocks to to trip them up.

Would you like to know what days of the new habit/choice to expect these flashing yellow lights. When to expect the challenges?  I will share with you.

Be on the lookout for challenges on days:


What do I mean my challenges? Perhaps your blender breaks so you “can’t” make your smoothie.  You lose your “water glass” at work so you don’t have it in front of you all day.  It’s cold or it rains to make you second guess getting out there to take the walk you had scheduled.

These are the days that define your new habit, new lifestyle, new choices.  These are the days that give you reason to go back to your old habits and stray from the new ones. 

Be AWARE of what day it is.  Know that things might jump out at you to distract you, and remember YOU CAN DO IT! You DO have a CHOICE – which choice will YOU make?

For more information or for a personal consultation with the Healthy Grease Monkey, contact me. You can also find more helpful information on our Facebook pages: Feel Good Fast and The Healthy Grease Monkey.