Boost production and energy–New-Shaklee Life Plan

cos-desk-sick-1208-mdnBusy professionals need to be at the top of their game. Efficiency and effectiveness can be the difference between making that deadline and losing business to someone else. When nutrition is at optimum levels, the body can repair itself, better handle stress, provide more energy, and keep that EDGE needed to compete and win all while staving off colds and flu. When our body isn’t at its best, then it becomes stressed and more difficult to focus, remain productive, and keep on pushing through.

Many of our Olympic athletes feel this stress as well. For this reason, many choose the Shaklee brand of supplements. These athletes must have optimum nutrition and the guarantee that what they are consuming is safe and NEVER tainted. Thus they turn to us. In turn, 121 medals have been earned by Shaklee Pure Performance Athletes.
A foundation based on purity and research backed products to support the busiest of professionals, as they attain their dreams is what this is all about.


The Foundational level is YOUR Choice

A sound solid foundation supports a healthy lifestyle. Just as a strong foundation for a building can withstand hurricanes, blizzards and other storms to make it through to the other side, our daily nutritional choices do the same. When we provide our bodies with complete, sound nutrition, our bodies can begin to heal themselves and build immune systems to avoid the storms of poor health. We have many levels available depending on you personal choices and budget.


Why have we chosen to partner with this particular brand of supplements? The research that backs their products.


Do supplements really work? (That depends on how they are made, what they are made up of, and what they are NOT made with.)


So, when our body has the nutrients it needs to replace dying cells, to repair damaged cells and other issues, it is better able to handle stress and fight off sickness and disease. This, in turn, leads to increased energy levels, improved productivity and better sustainability to remain at the top of our game and provide the service and goods required to compete and win in the business world.

For more information on nutritional supplement options, daily food choices, or coaching contact me.

What if NSAIDs Do NOT cause Heart Attacks?

In the news this month is the story, "Because many prescription and OTC medicines contain NSAIDs, consumers should avoid taking multiple remedies with the same active ingredient," the FDA said.

That news in itself is enough to cause me to think twice and not reach for that bottle of “anti-inflammatory,” but what if it isn’t the drug that is causing the damage, or the drug is just part of the problem? 

Don’t get me wrong, I am ALL about the “don’t take drugs” of any kind thing. We avoid pharmaceuticals like the plague. I prefer to use the natural alternatives and prevent the need for these “meds,” however… I can’t help but think – what if, in this case it’s the “need” for these meds?

What this means:

If, in fact, it is the inflammation itself that is causing the issues, OR the meds listed by the FDA to be an issue, it can almost all be eliminated through daily lifestyle choices, attention to prevention, and nutritional choices.

What if… what you ate could prevent inflammation?

Foods to fight inflammation

What if… many of the illnesses today were caused by inflammation?

What if… we could live in a way to prevent inflammation and keep our chances of contracting/developing these deadly and debilitating diseases at bay?

How we combat inflammation in our home.

I was once on 6 prescription meds for asthma, depression, side effects of the previous meds, migraines, plus the meds for the frequent illnesses (colds/flu) and the pain meds for sore joints, cramps, etc.

Today, I am off those 6 prescription meds, the depression, asthma, and migraines are all but a memory. I changed my lifestyle habits 9 years ago and the results have been phenomenal.

What did I change?


In February, I took a new full time position working for another company. This change in my daily routine has allowed me to fall back into old habits. 

  • I’m sitting for too many hours a day
  • I’m not eating the way I should
  • I’m skipping meals, my stress level has increased
  • I am sometimes reaching for less than healthy alternatives
  • I am traveling and eating out much more

The result has been

  • Migraines
  • Back pain and hip pain
  • Mood shifts
  • Fat gain/muscle loss
  • Overall discomfort

I have committed to making conscious choices to improve my health, again.  Heading back to old healthy habits rather than the lazy disease causing ones.  Good luck to you!


I believe there are times and places for anti-inflammatory medications. Like after a roller skating accident, or a wipe out down hill skiing, and acute inflammation has set in, however, if your problem is more chronic inflammation, perhaps it is time to consider changing a few things around in your daily life to assist in sending that inflammation packing.

For more information on this health topic or others, please feel free to contact me.

Links to my research:

Supplements – You get what you pay for… Or do you?

Many times I’ve had people ask me why I am so picky about what supplements I take and offer to my family and clients.  I’ve gone the gamut over the years and determined that I will only purchase these from sources that I trust, COMPLETELY.  Shaklee is just that. This amazing company completes more than 100,000 quality tests on products each year to be sure they are what they say they are.


This company was founded on the principals to leave things better than you found them. Protect our clients, their neighbors, our environments, and our children!


Finally, our products are guaranteed to work!  100% No questions asked.  Granted, if you leave the bottle of supplements on the counter and never open them, then you cannot expect to see any difference.  But just like the thousands of people I know who have noticed a difference, you will too!Always_Works

Finally, we don’t just “say” something works, we do the clinical research, complete with third party reviews and many journal postings from our evidence based research and results!


Its sad when we hear reports of other companies not being true to their word, only true to their own bottom dollar. 😦  This was evidenced in today’s news reports. I have linked the article to the title below.


(Date Posted: 2/3/2015)

On February 3, 2015, the New York State Attorney General announced that his office sent letters to four major retailers, GNC, Target, Walmart, and Walgreens, for allegedly selling store brand herbal supplement products in New York that either could not be verified to contain the labeled substance, or which were found to contain ingredients not listed on the labels. The letters, sent Monday, call for the retailers to immediately stop the sale of certain popular products, including Echinacea, Ginseng, St. John’s Wort, Saw Palmetto, Valerian, and Ginkgo.

The letters come as DNA testing, performed as part of an ongoing investigation by the Attorney General’s Office, allegedly shows that, overall, just 21% of the test results from store brand herbal supplements verified DNA from the plants listed on the products’ labels — with 79% coming up empty for DNA related to the labeled content or verifying contamination with other plant material.

The letters to retailers have been posted by The New York Times and are searchable by retailer and type of product.

If you would like more information on OUR AMAZING supplements or how you could build your own steady stream of income from partnering with us, contact me.