Posts by tessbrennan

I've felt the pain, the frustration and the depression. I've fought the feelings of hopelessness and despair and have come out on the other side. Now, I help others do the same. Through diet and lifestyle choices I have improved my health, increased my energy levels, and eliminated the need for prescription meds. I've been over 200 pounds. I've lost over 60 and maintained it for over 8 years. I've also lost 6 prescription meds, depression, asthma, and frequent colds & bronchitis. Today, I help others to regain better health and exciting quality of life. I coach those interested in committing to a lifestyle of fabulous food, fun times, and healthier choices. I teach classes, group coaching sessions, one-on-one, and via teleconference. Contact me for additional information.

Dark Chocolate Morsels-shhh don’t tell

I’ve had so many requests for this recipe. These decident chocolate bites are amazing, and loaded with healthy stuff!


  • 1/2 cup coconut oil  (I’ve used organic grapeseed oil)
  • 2/3 cup honey
  • 2 eggs
  • 1+ tsp vanilla (we love homemade vanilla)
  • 1 1/2 cup fresh spinach
  • 2/3 cup dark cocoa powder 
  • 1/3 cup flax meal
  • 1/3 cup Shaklee Protein (Instant protein or energizing protein)
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp fresh ground sea salt 
  • 1/2 cup dark chocolate chips


  • Heat oven to 350 F
  • Puree spinach, eggs, honey, and vanilla in blender
  • Add dry ingredients and mix (if we double this mix first ingredients in blender then mix dry ingredients in large bowl with wet ingredients. 
  • Line mini cupcake tins with papers
  • Scoop a scant 1/4 cup scoop into each cup
  • Bake at 350 F for 10 minutes

We like these a bit moist and fudgie so we bake them exactly 10-11 minutes and pull em out to enjoy. 

These are a regular staple in my daughter’s lunches. They can be frozen and popped into a lunchbox easily.


Vegan Oatmeal Cupcakes

I am always looking for foods for my baby girl to take for lunches. Today, I made these.


  • 4 cups rolled oatsoats
  • 1 cup instant protein
  • 2 1/2 cups of mashed fruit (mashed ripe bananas or I used a combo of mashed peaches and applesauce)
  • 4 1/2 tbsp maple syrup
  • 2/3 cup mini chocolate chips (optional)
  • 2 1/3 cup water
  • 1/4 plus 1 tbsp oil (coconut, or other veg based oil)
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
  • Optional add ins: cinnamon, shredded coconut, chopped nuts, ground flax, dried fruit


  • Preheat oven to 380 F
  • Line 14 cupcake tins with liners
  • Mix all dry ingredients in one large bowl
  • Mix all wet ingredients in a medium bowl (fruit included)
  • Mix wet into dry ingredients
  • Pour scant 1/4 cup of batter into each cup
  • Bake 21 ish minutes

These can be frozen and reheated

Quick, pico de gallo hack.

oops. Learning the video app on my phone… part two is below. LOL

When it was all said and done I did add the rest of the cilantro. We do leave the seeds from our jalapeño because we like it HOT.

It isn,t as bright as our normal batch, but it is healthier than stuff in jars with preservatives.

I used:

2 packages of fresh chopped maters

3/4 package of chopped yellow onion

1 bunch chopped cilantro

1 jalapeño with seeds, minced

Here is my original recipe.

Make it a GREAT DAY!

New Beginnings 2017

Danny Gokey posted this on facebook and it spoke  loudly to me.

I’ve been on a hiatus for quite a while. Friends have been requesting blog articles and recipes, so perhaps I should see if I can get back here more often.

I am teaching a 2nd grade class of kiddos this year and learning SO much! The kiddos teach me daily what unconditional love is and how important each individual is to the world.

This past week, I realized that I had forgotten a lesson from when I was in my Life Coach training. I forgot about focusing on the positive, about not dwelling on the negative, and how quickly one can spiral into unhealthy habits both physically and mentally. 

I leave class early each day to keep cars from entering into our bus loading area. I redirect drivers, daily, and remind them that we need to keep our babies safe. There is a lot of quiet time for me to think.

It was during this quiet time that it hit me. For nearly two years I have been focusing on the flaws of others.  This habit, in turn, has caused me to dwell on the negative and, in some cases, not see the positive.

My God has been sending me messages, not sure for how long, but He has purposefully placed people and memes in my path and it wasn’t until Wednesday that I deciphered the message.

I NEED TO CHANGE. I need to focus on how I look at things. What light am I shining on each scenario. We can not EVER expect another to change, however, we can change the one in the mirror. Many times over, I have noticed differences in others when I focus on being the change I wish to see. 

If you are still with me, I thank you for reading and I ask those who know me to help hold me accountable.  Smile and tug on your ear or simply tell me, “hey, you are regressing” 🙂

Happy 2017! Be the change YOU wish to see, in the world around you.

God Bless!

Local Fitness Search – Ft. Myers – Retro Fitness

I’ve begun looking for fitness alternatives for my clients.  I focus on health from a holistic approach, everything we think, do, slather on, and eat.  While my favorite fitness activities are long distance, endurance walks and roller skating, I understand that these aren’t the same things that inspire everyone to move more.

Due to this factor, I’ve started searching out some options to offer to my clients as a means for that fitness alternative.

Retro Fitness, Ft. Myers

When I walked in, the first thing I noticed was NO SMELL! The place was bright, looked fresh and clean and did NOT smell of your typical “sweaty” clientele. I liked the decor and felt my husband and his “automotive love” would feel very comfortable in this setting. (If he ever thought to enter a gym. 🙂 )

The locker room was clean and spacious, and the overall look of the place was very nice.

I spoke with Tyler Dowland, Managing Partner of the Fort Myers location and was very inspired by what he had to say. I was pleased to hear they too feel that health is a holistic issue, everything adds up and synergies to better health or quickly declining health, depending on our personal choices.

When asked what makes Retro Fitness different, Tyler was very quick to point out their specialties.

  •  They strive to be the cleanest gym you will ever visit. The team works to be sure everything is kept in tip top condition and clean.
  • Customer service. The team at Retro Fitness work to get to know their clients on an individual basis. This assists clients in attaining the fitness goals they set.  It is important to Tyler and his team that they know WHO their clients are, not just that they become a member.

Some of the classes and equipment that are offered at this location are:

  • Zumba
  • Tabata (HIIT –  High Intensity Interval Training)
  • A Cardio Movie Theater
  • Free Weights
  • Bikes and Ellipticals
  •  Circuits
  • Trainers
  • Virtual Group Classes

I was very impressed with the friendliness of this fitness facility. I have been to several others for this series of articles and have been told I could not talk with anyone. Its nice to know that the staff at Retro Fitness treats all with respect whether you are a member or not.

Retro Fitness 2

I’ve personally, never been a gym type person, however, after the reception I received today, I would consider giving Retro Fitness a try.

If you live in the local Ft. Myers area and would like to try out Retro Fitness, contact me, I have a limited amount of VIP trial passes.

Stay healthy! Make good choices! Keep moving!

Pumpkin Bites

It’s pumpkin season! Everything pumpkin, all the time… Well, you don’t need to go to Starbucks to get your pumpkin fix. Here is a GREAT and easy recipe for some healthy Pumpkin Bites.

I grind up the oatmeal, since my daughter seems to be texture sensitive at times, its easier than fighting with her to get her to eat it. 🙂

Pumpkin protein Bites image


1 cup oatmeal (ground is optional)
2 scoops of Vanilla Life Protein by Shaklee
2 TBSP cinnamon
1 TBSP organic raw sugar
1 heaping cup of Pumpkin Puree (Instructions here)
2 TBSP flax meal
2 TBSP chia seeds

Dark Chocolate Chips to top.


Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a bowl.
Fill cupcake wrappers with mix, press down. (I use 1 TBSP of mix in a mini-cupcake wrapper, or a full medium scoop in a full sized cupcake paper.)
Top with Dark Chocolate Chips
Refrigerate until firm then EAT!

Quick, Healthy Veggies for Lunch

So, I’ve not had enough calories yet today, it’s lunch time and I am ready to gnaw my arm off.  What’s a busy professional, at home for the day to do?

SAUTE’ SOME AMAZING PRODUCE!  Super easy, quick, and healthy!  No meat and I am still getting 13 grams of protein.  AND…. its a HUGE plate of tasty food.  I’ll dab some Bragg’s Amines on it to add a bit of saltiness and indulge in tastiness!

Nutrition Saute'd Veggies

What do I get for eating this???

Brussell Sprouts – High in C, folate, Iron, Potassium, some B’s

Bella Shrooms – B1,B2, Potassium, Iron, Niacin

Onions – Quercetin (strong antioxidant), anti-bacterial and viral properties, lowers LDL cholesterol

Tomatoes – C, E, Beta Carotene, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorous, Lycopene

Garlic – Anti-bacterial & viral properties, lowered risk of heart attack* Decongestant

EVOO – heart healthy oil. (Our brain needs fats to work properly)

“Taste the Rainbow”

My source for nutritional content: Chart & Specific Contents

No Time for a Cold – Busy Professionals Series

What is a busy professional to do when they feel a cold coming on?

2015-09-02 13.46.46

I woke up Friday with a scratchy, tickley, irritated feeling in the back of my throat. That tell tale sign that a cold is sneaking up on you.  A few times during the day I got that swimmy feeling in my head, I needed to sit down and regroup. I was CERTAIN I was catching whatever it is that’s been going around.  and I developed a runny nose as the day progressed…

Here is what I did.

Feed the body what it needs.
Friday night, (I should have started Friday at noon.) I mixed up a batch of “vitamin water” mix.  I will share the recipe at the end of this post. I began feeding my body what it needs to boost my immune system and kick this stuff to the curb.

Don’t add stress.
I followed the instructions I was given for the drink mix (see below) and I rested on Saturday. I held off on a 10 mile training walk to prevent that stress from combining with the stress of fighting off a cold.

My grandmother always said that the sun is good for a cold. (Research says so too, here, here, and here.)  So when my husband wanted to go out on the boat I agreed to go. I didn’t do any of the work to prepare and I simply sat in the sun and enjoyed the beauty around me. I watch as they skied and fished.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate
It is easy to forget to hydrate while sitting miserably with a swimmy head, stuffy nose, etc. However, hydration is what helps wash things out of our bodies that we don’t want there. When we become dehydrated it can cause a myriad of issues, and if you are feeling thirsty – you are already in the beginning stages of dehydration.

I fight dehydration by consuming room temperature water, warm performance hydration beverage, and hot herbal teas, as well as the hot vitamin water I mentioned above.2015-09-21 15.49.49

The body is already working overtime to fight the bug. Your body is creating white blood cells to fight off the infection and heal your body. (That is how it is designed to work.) When we allow the body to rest it can use that extra energy to fight off the invaders that are causing your symptoms.

I opted to stay home when my husband went out to visit with friends Friday and Saturday night. I relaxed at home, watched a movie, and SLEPT both nights to allow my body to use that energy fighting off the cold.

Gargle with hot/warm salt water
This is such an easy way to kill off any germs in your throat, as well as using a Neti-pot or a Sinu-rinse.  Super easy and VERY effective.

These are the exact tools I employ when I begin to feel a cold coming on. They have worked time and again for us.

Please note, I am NOT saying that any of these supplements cured my cold, I AM saying this is the protocol I followed, personally, and have for years to keep a cold from lasting more than a day or so.

The amounts and supplements I mention here are all a brand I specifically trust for purity, potency, and safety.

Get Well Tea
4 Defend & Resist                   6 Alfalfa
6 Chewable C                         2 Zinc
3 Sustained Release Vita-C    4 Garlic
6 Nutriferon                             4 Herb lax
3 Tbsp Performance Mix         4 Stomach Soothing Complex

Add all to a grinder/blender cup and grind to a powder. Then add 1 rounded tsp. to 1 cup of hot water & a little honey to taste. Stir to dissolve.

Drink another within one 1/2 hour, and then one every hour for as long as it takes to begin feeling better.

This is how I supported my immune system and body. I ALSO sucked on a zinc and about 5 chewable C’s on Saturday morning to help my sore throat go away, and added some Vitalized Immunity in hot water a couple of times as well.


Short on Time, Use This Workout – Busy Professionals Series

When burning the candle at both ends, we frequently find that the time it takes to “workout” gets pushed aside, plus if we could work out in a shorter amount of time, it would leave more time to spend with our children, significant other, or other special friends.

Here’s an alternative to offer you a SOLID workout in about 5 minutes.

5-minute RESISTANCE to FEEL the BURN. This SuperWoman workout is for men or women. (Pick 3-5 exercises out of the 6 shown on the video and hold for 60-90 seconds each, for a total of 5 minutes of resistance exercises).

Pete Cerqua’s methods reduce injuries because you hold positions and don’t do reps.

Or, perhaps, if you are looking for something a bit more relaxing, here is a 5 minute Yoga option:

For more information on ways to stay healthy when your profession keeps you busy, contact me!

Who Has Time for Breakfast? – Busy Professionals Series

12-14 hours days, food on the run, back to back appointments, and kids’ activities leave little time for busy professionals to focus on supporting their productivity. What if, there were a way to support your productivity, increase your energy levels, and it only took 2 minutes a day?

So, here I have a complete nutritious breakfast made in less than 2 minutes (including rinse & load the dishwasher) and I am out the door with multi’s & my protein smoothee!

Worried about lunch?  I’ve got that covered in another 2 minutes or EVEN less on super busy days, and it travels well too!


Quick options to keep in your briefcase or purse for a quick, complete and balanced meal when time is of the essence. Healthier and cheaper than fast food options. Travel better too. (Don’t eat the soap)

For more information, or to order, contact me.