The Dreaded Diet Cycle–Don’t get trapped

I love the roller coaster as much as the next guy, however I did NOT enjoy the weight loss roller coaster that I rode for years. Up to 200 pounds, back down to 170, back up to 185, back down to 165… I was ready to get off the ride, however I didn’t understand what was happening. 

Weight Loss Roller Coaster

Now I do know. I understand how the cycle works, and I make it

Diet Cycle

We begin by deciding to make a change.

  • We diet. We cut back on calories with the intention of shedding the pounds. 
  • Due to insufficient fuel, the body drops into the FAMINE response.
    • The body cannibalizes lean muscle and fat
    • Our Metabolic rate drops from decreased muscle mass
    • Our body begins increasing fat storage
    • Our energy levels drop
  • We fall off the wagon and return to “normal” calorie levels
  • The body jumps into the FEAST response
    • We have a reduced metabolism from lost muscles
    • We regain weight from fat (so when we are back to our original weight, we have twice as much fat as the muscle we lost)
  • We gain it all back, as fat, and decide to try it again
  • We diet…

It wasn’t until I understood this cycle, and had a friend teach me how to overcome this cycle that I was able to get off the roller coaster once and for all!  Now, I’m a lean mean racing machine, loving life, and full of energy.

If you would like additional information on how to get off this weight loss roller coaster too, drop us a line, I am happy to work with you.

If you’ve got the Drive, we’ve got the Vehicle!

The Healthy Grease Monkey is a project by Tess Brennan dedicated to writing useful blog posts for consumers who are smart about Nutrition & what they put in & surround their body with, passionate about protecting our environment, and are committed to supporting local entrepreneurs. Those who are about healthy weight loss & dynamic living. If you would like to find out what it is like to live a healthy life, we invite you to explore our product line or find out more about our services.The Healthy Grease Monkey promotes sound nutrition, ways to improve your success and a little bit of humor.

If you have topic ideas, feel free to request a story, after all, this site is just for you. You can find out more about our products by visiting our online store and/or subscribe to an email newsletter by visiting our Smart Grease Monkey website and entering your email in the subscription area on the right pane of the web page or by adding us to your reader by subscribing to this blog.

Triple Strength CoQHeart (CoQ10) with Q-Trol

Research has documented an age-dependent decrease in CoQ10. Blood levels drop by as much as 65% by age 80.

Other factors leading to a deficiency include inadequate dietary
intake, environmental stress, strenuous exercise, and selected prescription drugs.

Why this product over others?

Enhanced up to 500% more bioavailable than competitive powders, 333% more bioavailable than soft gels, and even 33% more bioavailable than a leading bioavailability-enhanced soft gel.

New Triple Strength CoQHeart® with Q-Trol™ CoQHeart Product Image#20685 30 Servings
Our Other Heart-Health Products
Omega Guard Product ImageOmega Guard: Shop Now CRC Product ImageCRC Shop Now

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

**Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. (See nutrition information for total fat and saturated fat content.)

†Products providing 800 mg or more of plant sterols and stanols daily, consumed with two different meals as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease. Cholesterol Reduction Complex provides 1,000 mg of plant sterols and stanols per serving and 2,000 mg daily when used as directed.

If you’ve got the Drive, we’ve got the Vehicle!

The Healthy Grease Monkey is a project by Tess Brennan dedicated to writing useful blog posts for consumers who are smart about Nutrition & what they put in & surround their body with, passionate about protecting our environment, and are committed to supporting local entrepreneurs. Those who are about healthy weight loss & dynamic living. If you would like to find out what it is like to live a healthy life, we invite you to explore our product line or find out more about our services.

If you have topic ideas, feel free to request a story, after all, this site is just for you. You can find out more about our products by visiting our online store and/or subscribe to an email newsletter by visiting our Smart Grease Monkey website and entering your email in the subscription area on the right pane of the web page or by adding us to your reader by subscribing to this blog.

Common Weight Loss Mistake–Not eating enough

You’ve decided that dropping a few pounds would be beneficial for your well being, and make those jeans fit better, so you think to yourself, EASY!!!  I’ll just cut my calories in half, drop a few pounds, and all will be well.


Weight Loss Assistance Available

Yes, you can lose weight by dropping your calories, however, when you drop too many calories, you run the risk of slowing your metabolism by dropping muscle mass.  On most diets you lose fat AND muscle mass, then when you go off the “diet” you put the weight right back on. (plus some in my case)

Instead of forgoing eating, perhaps, eating with a purpose, and eating foods that support your metabolism, are balanced to provide you the nutrition needed to maintain your health and well being.


Look for trusted systems that couple sound science with complete nutrition.  Avoid chemicals or pills with side effects.  Natural solutions that help maintain your muscle mass and perhaps even boosts that metabolism.

I broke the cycle this way, and have maintained my 55 pounds of weight loss for 5 years, easily. (update – it’s now been 8+ years…)

Our clients  are smart about their health, they search for wisdom from nature before they reach for over the counter drugs or prescriptions. They are passionate about creating a non-toxic environment for themselves and their families, and they are fussy about ingredients in whatever they consume. They are committed to investing in prevention and education so they can reserve the meds and MD visits for the critical care and emergencies.

If you’ve got the Drive, we’ve got the Vehicle!

Human Engine

The Healthy Grease Monkey is a project by Tess Brennan dedicated to writing useful blog posts for consumers who are smart about Nutrition & what they put in & surround their body with, passionate about protecting our environment, and are committed to supporting local entrepreneurs. Those who are about healthy weight loss & dynamic living. If you would like to find out what it is like to live a healthy life, we invite you to explore our product line or find out more about our services.

If you have topic ideas, feel free to request a story, after all, this site is just for you. You can find out more about our products by visiting our online store and/or subscribe to an email newsletter by visiting our Smart Grease Monkey website and entering your email in the subscription area on the right pane of the web page or by adding us to your reader by subscribing to this blog.

Healthier Cookies–Works for most Recipes

I prefer to make the cookies my family eats.  As a part of our healthier choices, I make as much of our food as possible so that I know what is in the recipes and so I have some control of the nutrition going into my families bodies.

We’ve found that by simply adding a 1/4 cup of Protein Powder, the cookies have a touch of nutrition and protein to offset the sugars.

Here’s how we “fix” the cookies.


  1. Cut the sugar content in half.  This way you actually get the flavor of the cookies &/or chips.
  2. Try mixing flours.  We will substitute 1/2 the flour of the recipe with Oat Flour, Soy Flour, Rice Flour, or whole wheat flour. (no one even notices the difference)
  3. Substitute 1/4 cup of Instant Protein Powder for flour.  This adds protein to the cookie.  We should always be eating a protein with our carbs to help level out the blood sugar and keep it from spiking.

Give it a try and let us know how it goes! We do it with all our cookies, our cakes, & even our bread recipes.

If you’ve got the Drive, we’ve got the Vehicle!

The Healthy Grease Monkey is a project by Tess Brennan dedicated to writing useful blog posts for consumers who are smart about Nutrition & what they put in & surround their body with, passionate about protecting our environment, and are committed to supporting local entrepreneurs. Those who are about healthy weight loss & dynamic living. If you would like to find out what it is like to live a healthy life, we invite you to explore our product line or find out more about our services. 

If you have topic ideas, feel free to request a story, after all, this site is just for you. You can find out more about our products by visiting our online store and/or subscribe to an email newsletter by visiting our Smart Grease Monkey website and entering your email in the subscription area on the right pane of the web page or by adding us to your reader by subscribing to this blog.

Joint Health Complex; Fast, Measurable Results!

I am reminded, daily, that I am no longer 16.  Sit on the floor too long and my 40+ year old knees refuse to unbend. I can no longer sit “criss-cross-applesauce.” A long nap on the couch and my neck refuses to forgive me without a call to my friend the Massage Therapist.

Healthy Knees

However, I can do something today, that I couldn’t do 6 years ago.  I can walk 60 miles for a good cause AND not feel like I am going to die when it is over.  In fact, I was happy to take my 4 year old trick or treating around the neighborhood the next night, by walking it!

What is the difference between the 60 mile walks in 2004 & 2005 when I thought I would die at the end and last year’s event.  2 things.

1. Better nutritional choices

2. Joint Health Complex  – this amazing product has allowed me to feel a difference in my joints in less than 10 days of beginning to take it, and keeps me moving well and out of the doctor’s office. – My ultimate goal is to always stay out of the Dr.’s office if at all possible.

More information about Joint Health ComplexJoint health Complex

  • Patent-pending, fast-acting form of Boswellia extract: In a clinical study, it has been shown to improve joint comfort in as a few as five days*
  • The most concentrated form of glucosamine. Glucosamine is clinically proven to:
    • Promote mobility
    • Enhance flexibility
    • Improve joint function
    • Support long-term joint health
  • Unique combination of key joint health nutrients: zinc, copper, manganese, and vitamin C – each playing a unique and critical role in building healthy connective collagen and cartilage*
  • Chondroitin-free for better glucosamine absorption
  • 100% shellfish free
  • 100% vegetarian – no animal-derived ingredients
  • Easy open flip-top cap

+The specific form of Boswellia extract used in New Advanced Joint Health Complex* has been shown in a clinical study to improve joint comfort in as few as 5 days.

Tips to starting your weight loss trek

You’ve decided to do something to get back to a healthy weight. You’ve shifted into 1st gear by making that choice and now you are ready for 2nd gear and to begin taking the unwanted pounds and inches off your HUMAN chassis. Some of  these you will have heard before, but when you put them all together, they can be powerful!
Shift into weight loss mode

  1. Begin keeping a journal of everything you eat AND drink! (hmmm sound familiar?) — Sometimes we don’t even realize how much we are taking in, or we find out our habits are starving our body and that is from where the problems stem.
  2. START drinking more water — ideally 1 ounce of water for every 2 pounds of weight. (# pounds/2 = how many ounces you should be drinking daily) — This allows us to begin eliminating toxins in our system and allows for faster fat burning.
  3. Cut back on your sugar intake — sodas, highly processed carbohydrates, white sugar.
  4. Increase your fiber content — more raw veggies, and use products with higher fiber content —LOOK at the labels.
  5. STOP all artificial sweeteners!
  6. Increase your activity — even if it’s just adding a short walk after dinner — Get moving!
  7. CONGRATULATE YOURSELF! You are doing something to make your life better and you are setting a great example for our youth!
We can help

Give us a call to get started, remove that over-inflated tire around your middle and get back on the track to healthier living!
-239-246-9488 We will build your ideal system and get you back on the road again!

Stop kicking tires and Get Healthy

If you’ve got the Drive, we’ve got the Vehicle!

The Healthy Grease Monkey is a project by Tess Brennan dedicated to writing useful blog posts for consumers who are smart about Nutrition & what they put in & surround their body with, passionate about protecting our environment, and are committed to supporing local entrepreneurs. Those who are about healthy weight loss & dynamic living. If you would like to find out what it is like to live a healthy life, we invite you to explore our product line or find out more about our services. Grease Monkey Marketing promotes sound nutrition, ways to improve your success and a little bit of humor.

If you have topic ideas, feel free to request a story, after all, this site is just for you. You can find out more about our products by visiting our online store and/or subscribe to an email newsletter by visiting our Smart Grease Monkey website and entering your email in the subscription area on the right pane of the web page or by adding us to your reader by subscribing to this blog.