Boost production and energy–New-Shaklee Life Plan

cos-desk-sick-1208-mdnBusy professionals need to be at the top of their game. Efficiency and effectiveness can be the difference between making that deadline and losing business to someone else. When nutrition is at optimum levels, the body can repair itself, better handle stress, provide more energy, and keep that EDGE needed to compete and win all while staving off colds and flu. When our body isn’t at its best, then it becomes stressed and more difficult to focus, remain productive, and keep on pushing through.

Many of our Olympic athletes feel this stress as well. For this reason, many choose the Shaklee brand of supplements. These athletes must have optimum nutrition and the guarantee that what they are consuming is safe and NEVER tainted. Thus they turn to us. In turn, 121 medals have been earned by Shaklee Pure Performance Athletes.
A foundation based on purity and research backed products to support the busiest of professionals, as they attain their dreams is what this is all about.


The Foundational level is YOUR Choice

A sound solid foundation supports a healthy lifestyle. Just as a strong foundation for a building can withstand hurricanes, blizzards and other storms to make it through to the other side, our daily nutritional choices do the same. When we provide our bodies with complete, sound nutrition, our bodies can begin to heal themselves and build immune systems to avoid the storms of poor health. We have many levels available depending on you personal choices and budget.


Why have we chosen to partner with this particular brand of supplements? The research that backs their products.


Do supplements really work? (That depends on how they are made, what they are made up of, and what they are NOT made with.)


So, when our body has the nutrients it needs to replace dying cells, to repair damaged cells and other issues, it is better able to handle stress and fight off sickness and disease. This, in turn, leads to increased energy levels, improved productivity and better sustainability to remain at the top of our game and provide the service and goods required to compete and win in the business world.

For more information on nutritional supplement options, daily food choices, or coaching contact me.

Wipe it Wednesday-Your Car

Good, Wednesday, morning!  Today we focus on another place we frequently have our hands and may not think to disinfect.  Though we don’t need to be OCD about it, it helps to wipe it down once in a while.

Make it a GREAT day!

The Basic G wipes can be found here.

Other articles on Green Cleaners:

What is causing us to “be sick?”

Clean, Protect your Kids, Reduce Asthma

Is Cleaning House Making you Fat?

Make Every Day Earth Day

5 Tips to Avoid the New Respiratory Virus

Quick, clean produce for 2 cents

Healthy Grease Monkey | Choices Matter

We keep being told we should eat more fresh produce to improve our health. More nutrient dense, colorful, tasty fresh produce.  We also hear, regularly about all the chemicals that are used on the fruits and veggies that we love.  I have a 2 cent option to clean all that produce as you bring it home from the market.

This is a really important step! Even organic produce can be sprayed with chemicals/pesticides, so it is important to ALWAYS wash before you eat!

Tractor spray fertilize with insecticide herbicide chemicals in agriculture field and evening sunlight

Tractor spray fertilize with insecticide herbicide chemicals in agriculture field and evening sunlight Source:

This is another place where my Basic H2, again, saves me money and keeps my family safe.  Years ago I read that you should soak your produce for 6 minutes for optimum cleansing, so that is what I do today. (Probably need to research that more)


I’ve been using this product for over 8 years. I use it on my produce, pets, counters, floors, cars, grill, laundry (pre-treat), as insect repellent, as sting relief from bees and wasps, window cleaner, degreaser, and many more things.

$20 Running Shoes and Other Great Bargains!

Yesterday, I walked into Costco in saw a pallet with a bunch of $20 running shoes. I was so excited at this great deal and they looked like all my other running shoes. I have with 1,000’s of miles on those shoes and I needed a pair for daily work. I happily threw them in my cart with all of my other bulk supplies, checked out and headed home.

I took them out of the box at home and they were so light, I thought wow that’s awesome. And then I put them on.

My $20 tennis… I got what I paid 4. I got a pair that on the outside looked just the same as the others I own at home, however when I put them on… I again was forced to realize the differences between a $20 pair of shoes and my much more than $20 shoes.

My other running shoes have exceptional arch support that you can feel when you take a step, they support my feet and do what they’re supposed to do. These new shoes are flat inside with no support. 😦

I’ve had other bargains that I’ve tried in the past.

I tried a different brand of laundry detergent once. I thought a cheaper box of soap could save me some money. In reality this new laundry detergent caused my clothes to become dingy, even when I used more detergent it still did not get the results I wanted. (AND my husband complained and insisted I go back to Shaklee Laundry) I went back to my already economical choice, my clothes look amazing  and I save money by spending “more” on quality product because I use significantly less. (My box of detergent costs a bit more than others, but lasts 2-3 times longer.)

The same thing goes for my daily supplements, I can buy cheaper vitamins at the store, however recent articles show us that these cheaper vitamins may not contain the ingredients promised. They also may contain other ingredients I don’t want.

For this reason it’s much more economical for me to spend the money on a supplement I know contains what it says it contains and that the company guarantees.

What’s more, the supplements I take on a daily basis have provided me with the results I wanted. For over 7 years I have felt better, I have had more energy, and I have NOT had to take 6 daily pharmaceuticals. I don’t have co-pays at doctors offices and I don’t have co-pays on those 6 pharmaceuticals every month – a HUGE savings. It would not serve me to go back to bargain vitamins that didn’t provide me with the nutrition that I need to stay healthy.

I don’t do cheap options very much anymore, and when I do they almost always prove that quality and value are more important!

I may “think” I am saving money because what I am buying looks like the other vitamin/shoes/detergent/toilet paper (that’s another story) yet it doesn’t contain what it is suppose to, SO I’ve wasted my money I will now head to the shoe store and get myself a good pair of walking shoes.

(You know its bad when your bulk purchase of toilet paper is never ending and you consider stealing tp from commercial institutions because it looks softer and more useful!)


Leucine and Weight Loss

I’ve recently been asked by a friend about the new Lysine produce being advertised on television with a 70% weight loss average due to fat loss.  Here is the information I have on a product that in test studies lost 99% of their weight from fat loss.

Being overweight or obese is the number one health issue of our day. Excess weight is associated with many diseases, including diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, coronary heart disease, stroke, sleep apnea, and osteoarthritis. Excess weight increases suffering, decreases quality of living, reduces life expectancy, and places a large burden on already burdened health care resources.1

Reversing the obesity epidemic will no doubt require advances on many fronts, including public health policy, consumer and physician education, and community engagement in supporting initiatives to help people become more active. There are literally hundreds of weight-loss programs, most of which do indeed lead to weight loss—but no attention is paid to what constitutes healthy and sustainable weight loss. Loss of water weight or muscle mass (as occurs in all programs) initially looks good on the scale, but fails in the long term to achieve the goal of permanent weight loss.

Since lean muscle mass constitutes the majority of metabolism2, loss of muscle mass is unsustainable in the long-term as metabolism will plummet along with weight loss, which leads to regaining of weight unless permanent changes in diet and lifestyle have occurred. Maintenance of lean muscle mass, therefore, is a key element of a successful weight-loss program.3


Since the time of the Roman Empire, protein has been known to help build muscles. When amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) were discovered, it was clear that only certain types of amino acids led to muscle building. The branched-chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) were found to have the most effect on maintaining muscle mass, and eventually leucine emerged as the amino acid that has unique effects on protein synthesis.4

Leucine has been shown to have the following effects helpful for weight loss:

  • Leucine inhibits the breakdown of other proteins.5
  • Leucine increases metabolism (thermogenic effect).6
  • During a low-calorie diet, consumption of leucine helps maintain lean muscle mass so that weight loss can preferentially come from fat stores.7
  • Leucine stimulates a rise in plasma leptin and helps people feel full.8

Several long-term studies in obese participants who consumed a high-soy protein/low-fat diet suggested improved body composition by losing fat and preserving muscle mass.9 Leucine supplementation combined with exercise appears to be one of the most effective way for maintaining lean muscle mass for weight loss.10


Excess weight continues to be a challenging public health problem. It is clear that increased protein content of meals during a weight-loss program not only increases satiety and modulates cravings, but also is the main metabolic messenger for the synthesis and maintenance of lean muscle mass.

The majority of leucine-related literature confirms the significance of leucine as a dietary modulator of muscle maintenance that is useful for weight loss and maintenance. The leucine content of a meal may be the critical factor for determining the quantity and quality of proteins necessary at a meal for stimulation of muscle protein synthesis and/or decreased muscle breakdown, and the maintenance of lean body mass and metabolism.

For More Information:

Contact me or check out the Shaklee180 line which features Leucine and sports nutrition.

  1. Wolf AM, Colditz GA. Current estimates of the economic cost of obesity in the United States. Obes Res. 1998 Mar;6(2):97-106. PMID: 9545015.
  2. Zurlo F, Larson K, Bogardus C, Ravussin E. Skeletal muscle metabolism is a major determinant of resting energy expenditure. J Clin Invest. 1990 Nov;86(5):1423-7. PMID: 2243122.
  3. Deibert P, König D, Schmidt-Trucksaess A, et al. Weight loss without losing muscle mass in pre-obese and obese subjects induced by a high-soy-protein diet. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2004 Oct;28(10):1349-52. PMID: 15303108.
  4. Layman DK, Walker DA. Potential importance of leucine in treatment of obesity and the metabolic syndrome. J Nutr. 2006 Jan;136(1 Suppl):319S-23S. PMID: 16365106. PDF
  5. Zanchi NE, Nicastro H, Lancha AH Jr. Potential antiproteolytic effects of L-leucine: observations of in vitro and in vivo studies. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2008 Jul 17;5:20. doi: 10.1186/1743-7075-5-20. PMID: 18637185. PDF
  6. Tappy L, Jéquier E, Acheson K. Thermic effect of infused amino acids in healthy humans and in subjects with insulin resistance. Am J Clin Nutr. 1993 Jun;57(6):912-6. PMID: 8503362.
  7. Churchward-Venne TA, Breen L, et al. Leucine supplementation of a low-protein mixed macronutrient beverage enhances myofibrillar protein synthesis in young men: a double-blind, randomized trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 2014 Feb;99(2):276-86. PMID: 24284442.
  8. Lynch CJ, Gern B, Lloyd C, Hutson SM, Eicher R, Vary TC. Leucine in food mediates some of the postprandial rise in plasma leptin concentrations. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2006 Sep;291(3):E621-30. Epub 2006 Apr 25. PMID: 16638821. PDF
  9. Deibert P, König D, Schmidt-Trucksaess A, et al. Weight loss without losing muscle mass in pre-obese and obese subjects induced by a high-soy-protein diet. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2004 Oct;28(10):1349-52. PMID: 15303108.
  10. Westcott W, Varghese J, DiNubile N, et al. Exercise and Nutrition More Effective than Exercise Alone for Increasing Lean Weight and Reducing Resting Blood Pressure. Journal of Exercise Physiology Online. 2011, 14(4). PDF

Kidney Stones? – New research shows surprising healthy solution

Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney

When you are the leader in the natural food supplement industry, people sometimes test your

products without you even knowing about it.

That was exactly what happen with a recent study comparing the effects of Shaklee’s Performance and Gatorade on the risk of kidney stone formation.

This was the ultimate independent study.

Shaklee didn’t initiate it. They didn’t support it. And, in fact, they didn’t even know about it until it

was published a couple of weeks after it was published (J.W. Goodman et al, Urol. Res., 37: 41-46, 2009).

Before I get into the results of the study, perhaps I should start with an explanation of why you

would even want to do that kind of study.

Let’s start with the problem – kidney stones. They are extremely painful, and they can damage the kidney – particularly if they form over and over again.

To a urologist the solution is simple – just drink two liters of water a day.

The problem is that you have to really, really, really like water to drink two liters a day, and most

people just aren’t that into water.

In fact, previous studies had shown that even when patients had a previous kidney stone and were told by their urologist to drink two liters of water a day, the beverage result was an increase of only 0.3 liters a day of water.

So this group of urologists asked what people were drinking instead of water.

The latest trends show that soft drink consumption is decreasing and consumption of sports drinks and energy drinks is increasing. And, there was absolutely no information on whether sports drinks increased or decreased the risk of kidney stone formation.

So they decided to look at two well-known sports drinks, Shaklee’s Performance and Gatorade, to see whether they would increase or decrease the risk of kidney stone formation compared to the consumption of an equivalent amount of water.

They looked at the effect of each sports drink on the amount of citrate in the urine and by how much they increased the pH of the urine because each of these decreases the risk of kidney stone formation.

They also looked at the effect of each sports drink on the amount of sodium and calcium in the urine because each of those increases the risk of kidney stone formation. Performance significantly increased the amount of citrate and the pH of the urine, while Gatorade had no effect on either of them.

Neither Performance or Gatorade had an significant effect on sodium or calcium levels in the urine.  Thus, they concluded that Shaklee’s Performance was superior to either Gatorade or water alone at decreasing the risk of kidney stone formation.

Now you might be tempted to say that this study was of more interest to urologists than the general public, but my guess is that if you have ever suffered through a kidney stone this study is of great interest to you.

But to me the more important conclusion is that, once again, independent clinical studies show the superiority of Shaklee products.

About The Author : Dr. Chaney has a BS in Chemistry from Duke University and a PhD in Biochemistry from UCLA. He currently holds the rank of Professor at a major university where runs an active cancer research program and has published over 100 scientific articles and reviews in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

*For more information on health and wellness as well as our full line of Sports Nutrition products including Performance, contact me at

What is Causing us to “Be Sick?”–Our Products at home?

Last night, in my Temple Maintenance class we were discussing choices.  All the choices we make, how many times a day we are voting with our dollars and our actions.

Our overall health is determined by our overall LIFESTYLE.  The choices we make profoundly effect our health on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis!

What choices am I talking about? Simple choices made every day.

  • —What to eat
  • —What to drink
  • —What to think
  • —How & when to move
  • —Products we put on our skin
  • Products we use in our homes

Why are the last two choices on this list?  Let me show you. Doris Rapp is a board-certified environmental medical specialist and pediatric allergist.  She has done extensive research on the effects of allergens and CHEMICAL exposures.


The photos I am sharing are in regard to studies done with children.  As adults, we must realize that if our children are effected, then we certainly are too!  These are some of the examples from the above book.


We have so many children being labeled as ADHD these days.  We have them sitting in classrooms for 6-8 hours a day with NO recess, surrounded by toxic cleaners that are inhibiting their brains ability to function at its optimum potential.


In class last night I referenced this piece, below, and the reaction the girl had to Choline bleach exposure – through the ductwork of the home.  Mom was in the basement laundry room and the girl was in her bedroom.  What effect is that bleach having on the person who is actually acutely exposed?  (We don’t use bleach in our household – we use the Get Clean line of cleaning products.)


Below, the Teacher is commenting on the change in the student’s writing pattern.  An outsider, with no knowledge of what was going on, noticed the difference in the before and after. 


Finally, here is an example with Pinesol.  This parent changed to the Get Clean line of cleaners for a week, didn’t believe that it could have that big an impact on her child, so went back to the Pinesol to test her hypothesis.


The Solution? (pun intended)

Switch out the toxic cleaners in your home for cheaper, concentrated options. Vinegar and baking soda are one option.  Here is the option I choose!


Price is something that concerns many of us. Not me, I’m saving SO much on my cleaning products, its amazing!!!  And they WORK! Just ask my skeptical husband. Smile

These products are available piece by piece if you choose to finish what you have on hand first, OR – as a kit to swap it all out at once, as I did, or even in mini kits for the different areas of  your home!

get clean kitGet_Clean_vs_others_HealthyGreaseMonkey

Begin voting today with your dollars, not as many dollars as you have been using. Tell the toxic industry, we are no longer interested in what they have to sell.  We do not wish to pay them to poison ourselves or our families. 

For exhausted, busy moms… They can clean all day and we know they are safe. (So are our pets if they decide to wash them too!)


Clean, Protect Your Children, Reduce Asthma, Save Money!

Asthma rates increased 160% in children from 1980-1994 and have continued to increase since.  One culprit is the many, toxic, household cleaners we use in our homes.  In the past 7 years, since I changed to non-toxic cleaners like the one below and began making healthier nutrition choices, I’ve need my asthma medication for a total of 1 week as opposed to daily  prior to that time.

The non-toxic argument is why I began using it… The AMAZING results and myriad of jobs it can do with the tiniest amounts has kept me hooked on this great cleaner!


This product is used in the White House, by Jacque Cousteau on his fleets, by Purdue University in their Dairy Operation, and many others! It is a safe alternative that works while keeping our homes safe from toxins and poisons.

Economical – ½ Gal makes up to 192 gallons of powerful cleaner  see cost comparison below.

  • Window Cleaner – For Only 2/10 of 1 Cent per oz. Mix – Only 1 or 2 drops in 16 oz. spray bottle of water.  If smearing occurs, mixture is too strong – add water to dilute. (Shine with blue microfiber cloth.)
  • General Spray Cleaner – For Only 3 Cents per 22 oz bottle! Mix – 1/4 tsp. in 16 oz spray bottle of water.
  • General Cleaning – 1/2 tsp. in qt. of warm water.  Cleans doors, walls, woodwork, appliances, bathroom fixtures & tile.
  • Floors – 1 Tbs. per gallon of water. Leaves floor shining. May require rinsing.
  • Dusting – 1/8 tsp. in pint of water, squeeze sponge almost dry (or spray on). Wipe off dust, fingerprints, etc. Dry with clean cloth. It leaves the wax finish beautifully bright. Surfaces repel dust, so less dusting is required.
  • Outside Windows – 1/2 tsp. in "Ortho-type" spray applicator full of water. Makes 2 gallons of solution for windows & screens. Squeegee dry.
  • Coffee-makers – Dilute 1/8 tsp. Basic-H² in pot of water. Run through cycle & coffee stains will rinse away.
  • Ironing – 1 drop in steam iron keeps the jets & interior clean.
  • Wallpaper – Excellent for removing wallpaper. 1/2 Tbs. per gal. of water. Soak wallpaper with sponge & peel or scrape.
  • Concrete & Mortar Mix – 1/4 oz. per 1 gallon of water. Makes cement & mortar spread easier & smoother, set harder.
  • Plumbing – Will keep pipes clean & free-running when used regularly to wash hands, pots & pans at sinks. It emulsifies grease & can eliminate cleaning of grease traps.
  • Pressure Washer – 1/2 oz Basic-H² to 20 gallons of water.
  • Heavy Duty – Use 1 oz per gallon of water. Leaves a luster to mobile homes, homes, RVs & etc.
  • Humidifiers – Use 1 or 2 drops in humidifier water to help prevent rust & scum.
  • Knives – 1 or 2 drops on cutting stone for sharpening knives. Keep moist & add Basic-H² as needed. Doesn’t clog stone–very important when sharpening tools. Stone rinses free of residue.
  • Yard Spray to Rid Fleas – Fill hose spray bottle with water, add 1 capful of Basic-H². Attach to hose & spray yard every 10 days for 3 applications. Use twice a year thereafter to control. Rinse all plants thoroughly.
  • Liquid Hand Soap – Mix 1/4 Basic-H² & 3/4 water in pump dispenser by sinks. Will not dry or irritate hands like soaps may. Will help moisten, soften & protect hands!
  • Fine Fabrics – Use 1/2 tsp to a basin of lukewarm water to wash woolens, nylon stockings, and all fine fabrics.
  • Gum – Use full strength to remove gum from skin, hair, or carpeting.
  • Fruits & Vegetables – Use 1/8 tsp. in pint of water, soak up to 7 min, and rinse. Removes insecticide residue, dirt, and waxes.
  • Automotive Uses – Washing vehicle use 1/2 tsp. per gallon of water. Wash small area at a time and hose off. Wipe windshield, windows and chrome with paper towels or microfiber cloth after rinsing. You’ll love the shine!
  • Camping – Coat bottoms and sides of pots and pans with Basic-H² before placing over campfire. Black soot just slides right off when you wash. Basic-H² is all you need to take for dishwashing, bathing, shampooing, and laundry. It even works in cold stream water, and because it’s organic and biodegradable, it won’t harm fish, vegetation, or wildlife!
  • Fish Odors – 1/2 Tbs. per quart of water. Basic-H²
    works wonders on boats, docks.
  • Washing RV, Boat & Camper – 1/2 Tbs. per gallon
    of water.
  • Crayon – To remove from walls, use full strength.
  • Spot Remover – Dampen spotted area with water, and apply full strength. Use a toothbrush or finger to rub basic-H² into area. Wipe with a damp cloth or rinse in basin of water.
  • Upholstery – Mix 1/2 Tbs. to ½ gallon water. Spray
    on & rub clean.
  • Septic Tanks – Keeps crust from forming. For maximum health of septic system use all of Shaklee’s phosphate free cleaning products. This will do much to promote the growth of needed friendly bacteria.

Highly Concentrated Organic Cleaner  -  Environmentally Safe; Biodegradable

NO:  Phosphates, Chlorine, Borates, Nitrates, Fragrance

GetClean Cost Comparison generic
LEGAL STUFF SHAKLEE MUST SAY: Some plastics may be sensitive to the cleaning agents in Basic-H².
Do not use Basic-H² on plastic or fiberglass without contacting the manu-facturer for compatibility with cleaners with linear alcohol ethoxylates.  Although Basic-H² is U.S.D.A. approved for hand
washing, Shaklee does not recommend the product for personal care. An eye irritant, Basic-H² should not be used to clean contact lenses, plastic-forward lenses, or plastic-glass frames. Because of risk of irritation, particularly among young females, Basic-H² should not be used as a bath additive in any amount, even when diluted. Bath additives require special testing, which has not been conducted on Basic-H². For the same reason, Basic-H² should not be used as a general shampoo or dandruff shampoo.
Do not mix Basic-H² with Basic-G Cleaner. The water wetting agents in Basic-H² inactivate the germ-killing agents in Basic-G. In case of eye contact, flush with water, as Basic-H² is highly concentrated.
This Information is neither sponsored nor endorsed by Shaklee U.S., Inc. – This information has been provided by users of the product for 14-30+ years of the product.

Asthma Facts

How does Santa do it all? (I Know)

There are only 22 days until Christmas; Santa is getting really busy. The hours are getting longer, the time before the holiday is getting shorter, and there’s more and more to do and more stress is on Santa. Santa knows that eating right can help him deal with all the stress and make it through the Christmas Season… Then he’ll head to the beaches of SW Florida for a much needed vacation!


The extra jobs that Santa picked up, to make it through the economic downturn, was taking its toll on Santa, then he discovered healthier choices and now he knows he’s going to make it through the season with “flying colors.”


Santa knows that besides eating healthy and taking a daily supplement that there are some things he can do to help boost his energy levels during this holiday season. So, the Santa has turned to a well-known company that he trusts to provide himself with additional energy and stamina to make it through this holiday season. (Because Santa knows who’s been naughty or nice.)

Santas secret

(Here’s a little presentation about increase energy through nutritional choices. – 30 minute presentation)

Santa’s daily routine, throughout the year includes:

“When so many children count on you and rely on you to be there on time for Christmas it’s important to be on top of your game.” ~Santa Clause

So here we have some of the things Santa has added to his daily regimen as he’s attempting to stay alert and on top of things and make sure things are done right so that all the children of the world will be taken care of on Christmas night.

Santa’s special additions for Thanksgiving through Christmas (the busy season).

Should you need any information on these wonderful products that Santa is finding so useful, feel free to contact me or just check the links. Merry Christmas! 

Give yourself the gift of better health, just as Santa has!


All images, that are not my own, have been linked back to their source posting.  I love searching the internet for fun content… Hope you enjoy these pages as well as my post!



Okay, maybe it isn’t Ft. Myers beach… But it IS Santa on a beach. ‘Winking smile