Why You Don’t Need Vitamins

I have a girlfriend who doesn’t need vitamins.  She meets all of the criteria needed to avoid the need for supplementation due to her chosen lifestyle and how she chooses to eat every day. 

Like you, I have NO stress, I only breathe clean air, no one in my family has ever had any kind of breast cancer, lung cancer, brain cancer, arthritis, I never eat processed foods or junk foods, and I always get plenty of fresh fruits and veggies in my daily diet.


Who don't need vitamins

Okay, lets get real.  No one, or very few people in the US, meet all of these criteria to be sure they are not stressing their bodies, their health, their cellular make-up.

So what do you do to make up for the deficiencies from household cleaners, the toxic body care products, the processed and junk food consumption, the STRESS???

The main reasons for needing supplementation are:

4 Reasons 2 supplement

Yet, when someone suggests we actually invest in better health we tend to balk and think… Whhhhaaaaattt?


I’ve been investing in my personal health for over 8 years now. Purposefully spending money on health promoting foods, supplements and products.  What do I have to show for it?

  • Increased energy levels
  • I’m 55+ pounds lighter
  • I get carded to buy beer at age 43
  • I no longer need 6 pharmaceuticals
  • No more migraines
  • I get rebate checks from my health insurance company ANNUALLY
  • I don’t need many sick visits to my doctor
  • Oh, and my hubby thinks I’m sexy. Smile

Enough of what I think. How about some clinically based research? How about a study done by UC Berkley on long term supplement usage, specifically using the brand I choose?  Here are some images from the study’s findings.


Personally, I use the Shaklee Lean & Healthy Kit daily. This allows me to begin with a sound, solid foundation as I provide the daily nutrition necessary to allow healthy cells to continue multiplying and my body to provide sick cells what they need to recover.

For more information, feel free to contact me or visit my product website at http://healthygreasemonkey.myshaklee.com.

I am happy to work with you to guide you in what could be the best fit for your needs!

I’ll repeat something Jenni Oates and many others have said, which makes perfect sense…your cells are made up of Vitamins, Minerals, and Proteins…it needs those three things to be healthy and function properly, not short-term remedies/drugs that temporarily take care of the symptoms… disease has one cause, malfunctioning cells. ~Suni Ferrer

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Resources used for this piece:

“Build a Better You” by Dr. Richard Brouse
“Why Do I Feel This Way?” by Christine Graber, RHN & Charlene Day, RDC
“Treasures of Health Nutrition Manual” by Annette Reeder & Dr. Richard Couey
“The Landmark Study” http://landmarkstudy.com
“The Landmark Study by Dr. Stephen Chaney”  http://betterhealthin31days.com/healthygreasemonkey/vp/LandmarkStudy-DrStephenChaney

Beginning with the BURSTclub Workout

I have a confession to make.  I dislike working out! I AM a health coach, but I struggle with the couch.  I love to walk but it takes so much time.  Some days I am so busy that there is not time, others I pretend like I am busy so there is no time…

Enter the BURSTclub workout!

3 minute warm-up, 3 minute stretching, 3 minutes of BURST, 3 minute cool down, DONE

I’ll admit, when I first tried these a year ago I was overwhelmed. I tried to do the workouts EXACTLY as the Oates’ did them… WRONG…  They are professionals, they do it daily, they are in shape – I. WAS. NOT.

Now, 12 days ago, I looked at my cushy tummy with the “baby flab” still there after 7 years. (Don’t get me wrong, after losing 55 pounds 7 years ago I am proud of my physique.)  I had taken a 12 day hiatus from nutrient dense foods, from exercise, from routine, and from my healthy lifestyle.  – How easy is it to form a NEW BAD habit??? 

I was feeling sluggish, bloated, unhealthy, and when I attempted to wear heals my feet hurt again. So, I committed, once again to working the BURSTclub workouts.  (These come FREE with my 180 Lean & Healthy kit as a way to give me a full system.)

On day one I could hardly make it through the warm-up. I was SO happy when the warm-up stretching began.  I was NOT able to finish out the 3 minutes of burst completely – but I kept moving. I kept doing the “exercise” of the minute in a “lesser” way.  Its only 20 seconds, then you get a break! 

Day two was similar.

Day three – the saboteur stepped in. I felt a bit sore from the first two days of effort. (okay, quite a bit sore in places) A friend posted a motivational image on Facebook and I went in and DID IT – its only TWELVE minutes… The muscle soreness subsided quite a bit after the workout, too.

Day four – I rested – I still did stretching (egosque) and I kept moving, walking, shopping, playing with my daughter, and rearranged the furniture in her room.

Day 5 – Now I’m feeling really good. There was one of the exercises I physically could not do, so instead of giving up, I modified it to one, similar, that I could do and finished my workout.

Day 6-11 – Same general thing.  I take a day off to rest about every 4-5 days, but I still stretch and move.

Day 12

After only 12 days I can feel that I am getting stronger and I am increasing my energy levels.

FINALLY, the proof that something is happening…

Day 1 - July 2014Day 12 - July 2014

Before photo 7/12/14                          After photo 7/23/14

As Zig Ziglar frequently said, “Keep on, keepin’ on”

For more information on the Shaklee 180 system and tools, contact me. I am here to be a resource for you!

6 Tips to Make Time for Health

As a mom, wife, health coach, entrepreneur, PTO member, Rotarian…  I find that my “time” is limited. (or is it?) 

The calendar on my “smart”phone is often filled with lots of running and back to back appointments across the county. It is very easy for me to get “so busy” that I forget about the things that are important – LIKE MY HEALTH!

Many times, as a mom & wife, I get so wrapped up in taking care of the needs of my family, that I forget what it is that I need to do for myself. 

I can remember my mom’s 30th birthday, when Dad took us all to Lafayette to celebrate HER birthday, but when we got there we spent all the time shopping for my sister and I and before we knew it, the time was up and we hadn’t done anything for mom. Sad smile  Her 30th birthday was a BIG sacrifice for us! (It happens – my 40th was a bit like this too, but that’s a story for another day. LOL)

Today, as Moms, it is SO important that we remember to take time to support our personal health and that we don’t get distracted by the little things (like Candy Crush & Facebook) and that we get the important things in there.

So, what is a busy mom supposed to do to make time for a healthier YOU?

  1. Dump list & Daily 4: List out all that you need to do for the week, then create the FOUR most important things to accomplish THAT day… (maybe 5… but NO MORE)  If you accomplish the first 4, then you can move on to other things on that list.  (At the end of the day, do yourself a favor and write down all you accomplished – then list the FOUR things for you to do tomorrow)
    Dump List
  2. Work on the 30 minute “FOCUS” time system:  As you begin to work on things from that list, remember the 30 minute rule.  SET A TIMER (your smartphone has one)  Focus on that one task for 30 minutes.  (Yes, you can answer your kids, redirect them, etc. but remember to return right back to that task.)   I am frequently amazed at how much I can accomplish in a 30 minute time frame when I put my mind to it!
    30 Min Focus
  3. If you are going to cook anyway, make it worth it! Prepare multiple meals at once. I don’t like to waste time in the kitchen, so if I need to be in the kitchen to make dinner/lunch/breakfast I like to prepare foods for future meals. Make the most of the time I am in the kitchen and save time in the future for food prep.
    Silly mom in kitchen shoes
  4. Remember your supplements! When my immune system is weakened due to holes in my daily nutrition, I tend to succumb to whatever crap is floating around.  It took me a while to learn to remember to take my morning supplements. I created my routine by using my smartphone alarm app.
    Schedule it in
  5. Squeeze in some workout whenever you can: I am NOT above doing squats in the bathroom whenever I need to “go”. Add a few extra steps when you head to the store. Be active WITH your family. Park a bit further from the store and walk a few extra steps.  (This is my daughter’s new favorite thing to do.)
    Adding steps is an easy way to improve our fitness

  6. Take time to rest! Our kids aren’t the only ones who need rest. By rest, I don’t mean 20 minutes sitting in the recliner playing Bubble Witch2 or scanning FB from your phone.  I MEAN, 20 minutes of quiet.  I have implemented a 30 minutes a day reading requirement for my daughter (she’s 7 now).  That is my time to reflect, pray, meditate, or read something to provide myself that needed recharge time.
    Reading child with momReading child

I have other tips, but these seem to be the most important for my daily sanity and health.  A few simple focused minutes now can set me up for easier, quicker, healthier sailing later on!

Make it a GREAT day!  For additional information, personal coaching, or events happening in your area, contact me.

Well POOP!

It certainly doesn’t conjure up pretty thoughts, does it?

My husband’s friends have many colorful metaphors for it.  Movies make fun of it.  It’s the first thing that seems to come to mind when things go wrong. (I know, I’ve heard many a person use the metaphor when things have gone wrong. – okay, I’ve used it too.)

The problem is, we don’t talk about it. Poop just isn’t discussed, it is almost taboo. Yet, our poop can tell us a lot!  (I’m NOT saying I want you to email me photos of your poop! – have a friend who does this to his wife)  What I AM saying is, “When we look at our poop, it can tell us a LOT about our health.” – Current health and even FUTURE health!

Why look at poop?

  • Americans are suffering from colon problems that are affecting over 90% of the population!
  • 79% of our immune systems are located near our colon & digestive tracts.
  • Most colon ‘diseases’ come directly from impaction, miscellaneous debris, or toxic materials that are formed in the colon and generate toxins throughout the rest of the body – a direct cause of many diseases


What GOOD poop looks like. (Yes, I AM going THERE)

  • Medium brown
    • Prolonged periods of a different color could indicate issues that need investigated
  • 1/2 inch in diameter
    • The size of a healthy, clean colon
  • ~24 inches per day (about 2 pounds)
    • NO, you don’t need to measure – just guestimate
  • Little to no odor
  • Doesn’t leave a mess behind
  • Does it sink or swim?
    • It should gently and easily “dive” into the pool (toilet)
    • It should settle in the water
      • Diver – too little fiber in your diet
      • Floater – too much undigested fat
  • 2-3 times per day (YES, PER DAY)
    • Big meal in SHOULD = Big meal out (A healthy bowel moves after every significant meal.Well_Poop

What to do when things “don’t look good.”

  • Hydrate – constipation is often caused by dehydration. DRINK MORE WATER
    • Drink water 30 minutes before your meal and 2 hours after your meal to increase the effectiveness of digestion enzymes
    • Technically, you should avoid drinking during a meal to prevent the dilution of those important digestion enzymes
  • Supplement with Calcium/Magnesium or VitalMagmagnesium is a gentle mineral that brings water into the colon among many other things
  • 7-9 servings of fruits and vegetables per day
    • Eat nutrient dense foods – not processed crap
  • Flax seed is a great way to add fiber
  • Lubrication (NOT THAT WAY)
    • Oils help provide smooth and gentle elimination – THINK:
      • Flax seed oil
      • Cold water fish
      • Supplements like EPA or GLA
  • Exercise – get things a movin’ and a shakin’


Why NOT OTC laxatives?

  • Laxatives come with side effects that are detrimental to your health and they don’t FIX IT.
  • Mineral Oil is BAD
    • the body does not absorb it
    • it prevents digestive juices from getting to the food you eat
    • it prevents the lining of the intestine wall from absorbing the good nutrients you need
  • Herbal formulas increase the peristaltic action of the colon and help it function better

Herbs to move constipation on out…

  • Senna leaf
  • Alfalfa LEAF (note alfalfa LEAF – not the rest of the plant)
  • Anise seed
  • Blue malva flower
  • Buckthorn rood
  • Culver’s root (not their burgers)
  • Fennel seed
  • Licorice root
  • Rhubarb root (NOT their leaves)

When we can say, “That’s some good poop!” we know our immune system and our bodies are in good health, making healthy cells.

For more information on achieving “perfect poop” feel free to contact me.  Would love to discuss  your health and how we could move it along! Winking smile


Treasures of Health Nutrition Manual, Annette Reeder & Dr. Richard Couey

Why Do I Feel This Way?, Christine Gaber, RHN & Charlene Day, RDC

What is Causing us to “Be Sick?”–Our Products at home?

Last night, in my Temple Maintenance class we were discussing choices.  All the choices we make, how many times a day we are voting with our dollars and our actions.

Our overall health is determined by our overall LIFESTYLE.  The choices we make profoundly effect our health on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis!

What choices am I talking about? Simple choices made every day.

  • —What to eat
  • —What to drink
  • —What to think
  • —How & when to move
  • —Products we put on our skin
  • Products we use in our homes

Why are the last two choices on this list?  Let me show you. Doris Rapp is a board-certified environmental medical specialist and pediatric allergist.  She has done extensive research on the effects of allergens and CHEMICAL exposures.


The photos I am sharing are in regard to studies done with children.  As adults, we must realize that if our children are effected, then we certainly are too!  These are some of the examples from the above book.


We have so many children being labeled as ADHD these days.  We have them sitting in classrooms for 6-8 hours a day with NO recess, surrounded by toxic cleaners that are inhibiting their brains ability to function at its optimum potential.


In class last night I referenced this piece, below, and the reaction the girl had to Choline bleach exposure – through the ductwork of the home.  Mom was in the basement laundry room and the girl was in her bedroom.  What effect is that bleach having on the person who is actually acutely exposed?  (We don’t use bleach in our household – we use the Get Clean line of cleaning products.)


Below, the Teacher is commenting on the change in the student’s writing pattern.  An outsider, with no knowledge of what was going on, noticed the difference in the before and after. 


Finally, here is an example with Pinesol.  This parent changed to the Get Clean line of cleaners for a week, didn’t believe that it could have that big an impact on her child, so went back to the Pinesol to test her hypothesis.


The Solution? (pun intended)

Switch out the toxic cleaners in your home for cheaper, concentrated options. Vinegar and baking soda are one option.  Here is the option I choose!


Price is something that concerns many of us. Not me, I’m saving SO much on my cleaning products, its amazing!!!  And they WORK! Just ask my skeptical husband. Smile

These products are available piece by piece if you choose to finish what you have on hand first, OR – as a kit to swap it all out at once, as I did, or even in mini kits for the different areas of  your home!

get clean kitGet_Clean_vs_others_HealthyGreaseMonkey

Begin voting today with your dollars, not as many dollars as you have been using. Tell the toxic industry, we are no longer interested in what they have to sell.  We do not wish to pay them to poison ourselves or our families. 

For exhausted, busy moms… They can clean all day and we know they are safe. (So are our pets if they decide to wash them too!)
