Holiday Stresses… NOT a must.

With Christmas approaching quickly, so do the stresses of the season.

I can’t help but remember the best advice that I kept and used during my (2nd & final) wedding, "If its not there (other than the groom and the official) you don’t need it!" 

Don’t stress the little things. Heck, don’t stress the big ones… Five years from now, will it really matter that the turkey wasn’t ready until an hour past dinner time? 

Laugh now, and know you will be laughing years from now as well. Family, friends, and the Reason for this Season are much more important than what time dinner is served, if the perfect gift didn’t arrive until 3 days later, or if you served the mashed potatoes in the pan instead of a fancy bowl.

Take time to Relax, Breathe, Hug, Talk, and just keep it simple!


Here are some additional suggestions from a fellow blogger.

When we don’t have family in the area, we take our baby girl to the beach, or a theme park to make memories of our own. We make new traditions. (I do still take time to bake bread, make noodles, and cookies, but I don’t stress about when they will be finished, just that we make them…and we make them year round rather than try to force it all into 25 days.)

I’ll be making a comforter for a friend’s son this year, and I will be visiting a local “bead shop” for some other gifts for nieces. (hope you aren’t reading this) Smile

We are simplifying, buying and supporting local businesses, and focusing more on why we celebrate rather than on “what we got”.

Merry Christmas!  I pray your Holiday season will be stress free and full of new, and old, cherished memories.