I HAD a WART on my face! Cheap, easy, safe, GONE!

My hubby has always had issues with warts.  He’s tried most everything, but basically just continues on with them… On his feet, one on his leg and one on his hand… 

Three months ago, I had a blemish on my face, it didn’t go away, and I am ashamed to say, I am a picker.  I would brush it during the day, while I was out and before I knew it I would have scratched the top off of it.  It would heal over and get bigger.

Last month I realized it was a wart. A big, ugly, witchy looking wart… right on my face!

Here is the wart on my face on May 25, 2014. Wart Before

So, what did I do? Very simple.  Apple Cider Vinegar, a tiny piece of paper towel and a circle band aid.  I soaked the small square of paper towel (4 layers thick) in ACV and then placed it over the wart with a circle band aid and went to sleep.  Wart Killer

8 hours later I woke up, took the little band aid off and it was all white and puffy, so I put another band aid over the wart to go to church.  (I envisioned people staring and making comments similar to a movie about a shark and a laser) Smile

After church, in the car on the way home, I took the band aid off so it could breathe and air out.  When I took off the band aid… it all but fell off!  See below.Wart After collage

The top right photo is what it looked like when I took the band aid off.  Then, the whole thing just fell off into my hand.  The lower right photo is of the wart (dead and removed) on my index finger.

The left photo is what is left.  It is healing very well, just after 1 day.  I will use my Enfuselle C&E Repair cream on it to assist in the healing process.  And will update as it heals.

When my daughter had a wart removed by the Dr. it cost us $200 and was VERY painful for her.  This method was used ON MY FACE and there was NO PAIN.

I did feel some tingling when I first applied the ACV, but no pain.

Inexpensive, easy, pain free, and done at home with no co-pay!

Hope this helps… I will also post some before and afters of my hubby’s feet as we use this method on those nasty beasts!

Make it a GREAT day!

A week+ food, all in a Sunday! (Links to recipes)


As I glanced at my schedule for the upcoming week, on Saturday, I realized I will be out of the house four out of five nights this week, have a week of reprieve then be out five nights in a row.  My answer, cook while I play on a Sunday.

I actually started Saturday night by soaking a pound each of black, pinto, red, & garbanzo beans – this way they would be ready for cooking on Sunday Morning.  Then, after church, I commenced to fixing it all.  When the day was over this is what I had:

  • Broccoli Salad – to Nom on all week (5-8 lunches)
  • Pico de gallo – for daddy & I to kick up our veggies a notch
  • Cream of Anything Chicken/Mushroom/Zucchini “casserole starter” (From a leftover whole chicken)
  • 5 1/2 quarts of Chili (5 meals) (veggie chili recipe)
  • 2+ quarts of beans ready to make refried beans (5-8 meals)
  • 12 Mini-meatloafs (1/2 beef, 1/2 turkey) (6 meals)
  • 8 Onion Soup burgers (1/2 beef, 1/2 turkey) (3 meals)
  • 3/4 gallon of frozen grapes for entertaining and my daughter

Meals mean enough for my whole family.  Lunches = one person.

I do offer classes on bulk cooking, just say the word and I can hook you and your friends up!  (My classes even include baking 2 loaves of bread)


Mini Meatloaves, freezing in the holders… (I then, at the advice of my hubby, set them on a low grill for 3 minutes to allow them to release from the pan)  Next time I will make them in cupcake cups.


Chili full of red, pinto, & garbanzo beans, shredded zucchini, shredded carrots, tomatoes, and so much more!  Chalk full of veggies!!!

Pico de Gallo

Pico de gallo – our main veggie staple.  We eat it on everything from a spoon to eggs, chicken, burritos, flank steak, sometimes even homemade tortilla chips.

Hungry? Nutritious Tip — Try the Apple Test!

When attempting to make healthy choices, many times people feel challenged when they begin to feel hungry.

If you feel hungry:

  1. Drink an 8-16 ounce glass of water and wait 20 minutes.
  2. If you are still hungry after the 20 minutes, grab an apple.
  3. Look at the apple, study the apple… Do you want to eat the apple?
  4. If the answer is YES! GREAT eat the healthy, organic apple.
  5. If the answer is NO! You are not really hungry.  Go back to what you were doing before your subconscious distracted you. Smile Apple Test HealthyGreaseMonkey

Many times, we mistake thirst for hunger. 

Step 1 allows us to assess whether we are really hungry or if we were actually thirsty.

Step 2 then addresses the issue of mindless eating, that so many suffer from.  When we take the time to look at the food, think about the food, assess our actual state of hunger…

I may find that I was not hungry at all, just had a rogue thought or a bad habit that was trying to rear its ugly head!


For more information or helpful tips & personal coaching, feel free to contact me.